Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I watched the shadows on the wall of my hospital room and pulled my blanket tighter around me. Next to my bed is a cot where Nancy slept, facing the window. The door to my room was open, and I could see out to the hall, which made me a little nervous. What if my stalker found out I was in the hospital and followed me here?

Nurse Perla, a nice Filipina lady, assured me he wouldn't be able to get in. Pneumatic pressure secured the automatic doors to the infirmary wing, and only nurses at the nurse's station had access to the button that released the lock. She told Nancy and me that there were CCTV cameras in all the corridors, and guards at the security station regularly monitored them.

Nancy also had an approved visitor's list, and the only people on there were Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, Alex, Charlie, and Lottie. I wondered if Ben would visit, but since the hospital was releasing me in the morning, the answer was probably not.

I was scared beyond my wits, and he was there for me. It was the scariest moment of my life. I was supposed to meet Alex at the canteen, so I was on my way there. I spotted Alex as I was walking out of the Saint Catherine building, which was on the path to the canteen. I called out Alex's name, and just as I was about to go down the steps to where he was, I distinctly felt two hands shove me forward.

I'm not the most graceful person in the world to begin with, but before I knew it, I was rolling down the concrete steps, ass over the elbow, and right before I hit the pavement, I threw my arm out as though it would stop my face from hitting the ground. I heard my arm snap under me, and my head smacked against the concrete.

When I woke up, Ben had me cradled in his arms, and he was touching my face, telling me everything was going to be okay. We were in this position not too long ago when I slipped in their kitchen and knocked myself out. I didn't see "concerned dad" in his eyes this time, but a man trying to keep himself calm while he assured his lover he'll take care of her. It smoldered and turned me on but made me feel secured at the same time because I have this big, brawny man to protect me. I know this look. I watch a lot of movies.

Alex was stationed somewhere around my legs. That was the thing about Alex. Ever since I finally noticed him, I developed a super-sensitive awareness of him. Whenever he's around, I can sense him, like a comforting presence. He's like a really hot Mr. Binks with abs and a big... personality. Alex Chambers will not be ignored. He's there, and it's all right. That made me feel better than Ben's reassurance.

And it was Alex who stayed with me through it all. He held my hand even as the paramedics put me on a stretcher and yelled at him to stand aside. He stood toe to toe with the EMT and told him he was going in the ambulance with me because he was my boyfriend. He said it out loud, in front of the whole school. The EMT relented. Mrs. Davenport came with us. Ben stayed behind.

The paramedic gave me a painkiller that made me drowsy and fall asleep, but when I woke up in my hospital room, Alex's face was the first one I sought. Nancy had a puffy face and a swollen nose from blubbering all over me, and I told her to quit crying because I'm not dead. She cried harder and hugged me tighter until I reminded her of my broken arm and possible head injury.

I panicked a little bit when I didn't see Alex because I thought he might have left and that just really scared me for some reason. "Nance, where's Alex? You didn't send him home, did you? I know you don't like him."

"What? Alex Chambers has been sitting in the waiting room for five hours, waiting for you to get done with your tests and wake up." She touched my face. "Sweetie, Waverly told me everything. She said Alex has been watching over you these past few weeks and helping keep you safe. That makes him A-OK in my book."

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