A/N stands for Author Note 😅(Please read)😅✅️

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Heyyyyy there, my amazingly awesome readers!! (Yess that's what I call my fans😅)

I just wanted to say I really enjoyed writing this book!! Buttttt I HAVE to let you know.... a fair warning....and heads up... this is my first book! I don't want to say what most authors say cause we all know first stories aren't always the best...BUT before you read another story, just remember we all start from somewhere!! 😊

I wrote this with one of my brothers' Kyles help, a BIG thank you to my big bro he also writes on here too! He only has one book, but it's great!! I also helped him with it 😊 here's his account @Phinabellafan94 We both love One Direction, so we both enjoyed the experience very much.

I also try to make my story mostly positive. I dislike stories that have one depressing thing after another, I hope you like reading my book as much as I liked writing it ☺💙

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting doesn't matter what you did just THANK YOUUUU!!! :D p.s. I made up a few things so not everythinggg will be true..duhh 😊


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