Crystal Ball

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I had to admit I was curious, a girl had arrived in town a day or two ago, in a little wooden wagon pulled my twin jet black horses. The town said she could set up by the hill so she had set her wagon up with a fire and the horses in the stable close by I had seen her a few times in the stables caring for her horses always singing songs with words I didn't much understand. But she was very beautiful only a year younger then me from what I had figured thought our little chats in the stables somedays. I waited till most of the town was in the bar for the evening or in bed before I snuck out my little house making sure to be quiet and stealthy as I moved as quiet as a fox across town
"Where are you off to whitey?" A voice asked making me jump turning to see Maggie and kallie out on the porch
"Uuuuuuuhh... A walk"
"To where?" Maggie asks
"Uhh there and back to see how far it is?"
"Your going to see that girl aren't you?" Kallie asks
"Euhhh. Maybe" I blushed "I just wanna go visit her."
"Back but sundown whitey" maggie warns
"Your not my mum!" I whined
"No. But still. Don't be getting into no trouble whitey and becareful with that girl she does some unnatural things"
I sighed and continued on till I saw her little wagon set up the fire starting to die down. I went over and stood on her first step giving the door a little tap and stepping back down into the dirt to wait I heard it unlock and the door slowly open
"Ohh hiya whitey" she smiled
"Hi" I smiled slipping my hat off and fiddling with my hair a little "could I come in?"
"Aww of course" she smiled offering her hand, I happily took it letting her pull me inside. It was a lovely place a large feather bed on the corner, a nice little kitchen, and even some table space, various cloths, crystals and other such things around the place "tea?" She offered
"Oh yeah that'd be nice y/n" I smiled
"Take a seat" she offered indicating to the table I nodded going and sitting on the soft fabrics it was almost like a sofa built into the wagon she returned with a little green tea set and I noticed all sorts of symbols on the bottom but I didn't want to mention in she made some tea in the pot and filled my cup then her own and sat beside me "to what do I owe the pleasure tonight Mr winn?"
"I uhh I just thought I'd come see ya is all" I smiled having a sip of the tea
"That's sweet. I know the town doesn't much like me here I should really make plans to get on my way"
"No y/n!" I snapped "uhh I mean The ladies will warm up to ya I'm sure they will. Just give them some time alright" I told her
"Would you like me to stay here whitey?"
"... I would"
".... I uhh... I ummmm" I stuttered unsure what to say she giggled taking my test cup as I had almost finished it now she looked it over slipping a pair of glasses from a chair around her neck onto the bridge of her nose
"Ooooohh" she smiled
"What is it?" I asked curiously trying to look in the cup
"I see a dark shape that looks over you"
"Ohh no"
"That can be a good thing though"
"Ooh. That don't sound too good"
"Darkness don't always mean bad whitey all lights have shadows" she says tapping my hand "you see the figure looming over the handle. And there is so much speckling that can mean a scattered and unsettled mind"
"Guess I have been a little like that lately"
"May I?" She asks putting the cup down and offering her hand I nodded blushing a little giving her my hand she smiled gently stroking her fingers over my palm I tried not to react but I couldn't help getting a little nervous, a little sweaty, a little... Desperate feeling her so gently running her fingertips across my hand "staggered life line"
"That bad?"
"It can be. Do you get sick often?'
"I do have a bit of a habit of it yeah"
"See that'll be why" she giggled "a strong heart line." She smiled giving my hand a little kiss before returning my hand to me
"What does that mean?'
"You'll make some pretty lady very happy whitey"
"I will?"
"I'm sure of it" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss too
"Could you uhh do that thing for me again?"
"I don't know whitey. I'm a busy girl" she giggled packing the tea set away but I took her hand as she came back this way
"Come on. Just once more" I asked she looked unconvinced so I took the silver dollar coin from my pocket putting it in her hand and folding her fingers back on it "as a paying customer?"
"Alright" she smiled tapping my hand "but this is the last one mr" she smiled playfully stroking my chin before she walked across her caravan getting her little box she came back to the table sitting with me opening the box with the key around her neck, she took out a little velvet blue bag before closing the box again pushing it to the side she unlaced the little bag and scatted a small pile of cards on the table yellow with drawings and patterns and then red with stars on the other side she took them all shuffling them and tapping them twice on the table to settle them. And held the desk out to me red side up "go on," she said so I blew a little air across the cards she smiled and shuffled them again before setting them again red side up on the table she took a cloth from her box with embroidered flowers and spaces perfect for the cards she laid out three one in each space she turned over the first revealing a card 'strengh' "you had a hard past whitey."
"I did. I guess. Lost my mum when I was young. My dad not so long back. It was hard but better for it you know"
"I know how you feel. I've been on my own a long while too" she smiled before turning the next card 'the chariot' "a journey, something is changing about you"
"Uhh I guess so. Growing up maturity I suppose"
"Better late then never" she joked
"Hey!" I argued jokingly she turned over the next and I gulped 'death'
"It just means change whitey. Change. New life and endings"
"Ohh. I see." I nodded "again?"
"Alright" she smiled gathering them up shuffling again this time as she did she rested her hand on my own as I sat my hand on my thigh I gulped a little but I could feel my heart racing she offered the cards so I blew across them again and she smiled giving them a little shuffle she laid out this time four cards two at the top and two at the bottom. She turned over the first 'the Empress' "someone you hold in a high regard whitey?" She asks
"Maybe" I shrug trying not to blush she turned the next 'the emporer'
"Humm interesting" she smiled she didn't explain it to me she just turned the next one and it was 'the lovers'
"Whitey?" She asks
"Uuuuuuuhh... I don't know. Your magic cards"
"Umm" she hummed before she smiled moving closer to me barely an inch between us playing with my shirt a little as she flipped the last card over
'lust' "whitey?" She warns
"Those cards uhhh are good"
"They are" she smiled moving away to pack them back in her box
"No please y/n come on one more" I plead
"Alright" she smiled getting something else from her box a little stand o grew a little nervous but excited as she pulled out a silk covered object she set it on the stand and pulled it back leaving this dark crystal ball before us she snuffed out a few candles leaving us in low candle light looking into the dark crystal "something bothers you words you wish to speak but are stuck behind your mouth."
"There are" I nodded using the dark to move a little closer she noticed and did So to we went on a while questions and answers every time getting a little closer until we had but an inch between us
"A energy sits between us whitey"
"Does it" I smirked a little unable to remove my eyes from the crystal and her reflection
"Do you feel it?" She asks
"I'm not sure" I said I couldn't stop staring ar her and feeling her so close to me I could feel her heat, my heart, my breathing quick trying to remain composed but not doing so good
"Do you whitey?" She asks and I felt her hand slip under my jeans gently stroking my cock gently fondling my half hard erection
"Uhhh! Yes..." I groaned trying not to moan to loud feeling her touch me unable to take my eyes off her reflection
"Do you feel the energetic heat between us?" She asks squeezing a little and pumping me hard
"uuuuhhh fuck yes I do! I feel it I feel it darlin'. Hummm it feels good"
"Does it?"
"It feels really good." I groaned "I want....more" I groaned pushing on her arm a little hinting I wanted much more then this she chuckled a little pulling back her hand I was confused, frustrated "y/n!" I whined she smirked putting the dollar coin I gave her back in my hand and then taking it intertwining her fingers with mine, she tugged my hand as she stood up tugging me across the caravan with her she let me go inches from the red sheer curtains that hid her bed she turned looking at the over her shoulder blowing me a kiss before she crawled into her bed I blushed a little but undid my belt and happily jumped in her bed with her...

I groaned a little shifting in the soft cosy covers of sweet blankets and pillows. I could smell lavender and peppermint tea boiling, the sun coming in thought a purple sheer net at the window, the curtains now open, a glass crystal sending rainbows across the room I sat up a little having a yawn and a strech banging my head on the top of her bed box "oww! Fucking-" I complained grabbing my head
"Careful whitey. Don't want to brusie your brain" she giggled I looked and saw y/n stood with her morning cup of tea in her little white nightie from last night a crotchet blanket or perhaps shall around her shoulders her hair messy and a sweet glow about her skin holding her tea to her chest and her other hand just pulling the sheer curtain so she could peak in "good morning"
"Good mornin'" I smiled she left a moment getting another cup she came through pushing the curtian all the way back tieing it to the sides she handed me a tea which I happily took a sip of and she climbed in beside me with her own "so uhh I guess you knew then"
"I did whitey. I knew you had a crush on me" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss making me blush hard
"When she you find out?'
"I'd say about two days after I got here" she giggled "I have been hinting for like three weeks... You uhh you are not good at picking up hints" she laughed
"Guess not. Sorry."
"It's alright. Atleast you got the straight forward approach" she smiled finishing her tea sitting it on her shelf "guess you'll be running back into town now?"
"No. I'm gonna stay with you today, day off from the office anyway. And I wanna spend the day here with my pretty feincé"
"You what?"
"My feincé"
"Am I?" She giggled excited
"If you wanna be"
"Yay!" She smiled jumping on me pushing me flat on her bed "I love you whitey"
"aww I love you too y/n" I smiled giving her lips a sweet kiss.

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now