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"hey whitey, some young thing rode into town today, said she used to live here, I don't much recall her face, she's about your age figured you might remember her?" Maggie laughed

"what's her name?" I ask

"calls her self a miss larou" she smiled

"larou.... I think a remember a couple larou girls whole family used live here" I shrug

We wondered across to the bar in the hotel and I saw a girl sat at the bar downing a shot of whiskey And I knew her that sweet body and that drinking tolerance

"Y/N?" I ask

"my god, whitey winn little whitey winn is that you?" She giggled jumping and hugging me "ohh you haven't changed" she giggled "still the cute little dirty boy I knew all those years ago" she giggled

"ohh you haven't changed Y/N" I laugh hugging her tightly "still as beautiful as I remember" I blush

"aww whitey you little charmer, but what's this your a deputy now?" She giggled

'uhh yeah, look after down when bills away and all" I shurgs " but what have you been doing with yourself and why are you back here?" I ask her

"ohh I'm touring for my new book, I had a delay on the track works so I was close thought I would pop in on the old place" she smiled "see some old faces and all" she smiled

"did you ever uhhh marry?" I ask her a little worried

"no... To much work I suppose" she blushed

"I should uhh properly get back to work" I stutter

"ohh course don't mean to keep you it was wonderful seeing you again whitey" she smiled kissing my cheek so I went back to the office my head going crazy

"I don't remember the larou's very well I'll admit so...spill it whitey" Maggie laughed

"well..." I sigh " her dad was a miner like most her mother used to knit baby clothes and things for people, they had five daughters, Audry, Mary , Y/N then Cathy and primrose, primrose was only really a baby when she was here, Y/N was my age and we got on very well when we where little kinda...had s crush on her for a long time she never paid much attention to me though her younger sister Cathy had a thing for me at one point, but me and Y/N used to run off behind the stables at sunset just to cuddle and maybe have a couple kisses, I actually lost my virginity to her the night before the accident luckily her dad wasn't in that day, only one of the me who didn't die, after that happened the whole family moved up Boston to live with her grandmother never saw any of them again" I explain "Until today" I shrug

"Go on then, bill will be back in a sec" she told me so I sighed going home, I laid in my bed driving in a thousand memories....

I ran though la belle casing a little butterfly

"Uhh...Whitey get back here! you're going to hurt yourself!" my mother shouts from the store door but I ignored her and continued casing it till I saw it hand on the hand of a little girl the same age as me she smiled at me and blew it a little so it flew up and landed in my hand too

"Y/n! come along!" her father told her tugging her dress each of her sisters looked from under there parasols to scorn her for messing with the butterfly she smiled at me waving a little and wondered off with her family ....

"turn to page 12″ the teacher told us all "and now he said...." I began to zone the teacher out looking around the school house a moment and I saw y/n the my age daughter of the larou family up by the mine's her pretty little pale yellow dress miles to big for her as it was a hand me down from her elder sisters her pretty little white gloves of lace fitting so sweetly as she held the book we where all reading I couldn't help but look at her

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now