What are Ya sayin

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I yawned streching my long legs across my desk as I sat reading my little book when the office door opened. It was bill stood with some young girl handcuffed and on a rope
"Morning bill" I said getting up
"Morning whitey, lock this one Jo before she causes any more trouble" he sighed handing me the rope
"What'd she do?" I asked
"Nether you mind what she did just lock her up, I gotta go check on ma children" he says going off so I got the keys and made her go in the cell locking it up
"Little lady, Come to the bars I'll take ya handcuffs off" I tell her
"nei! af hverju ætti ég að gera allt sem þú segir?" She says
"What?" I asked
"ég sagði nei, þú heimskur falleg strákur!" She yells
"Uhhhhh.... Ummm...okay, what are ya sayin' miss?" I ask
"þú heimskur aðlaðandi strákur loka grabbing þinn og hlusta! ég gerði ekki neitt sem ég var ramma út fyrir mig" she yells shaking the bars angrily
"Your fun," I laugh "but what happened?" I ask undoing her handcuffs
"nágranni minn segir að ég hafi skotið á öxlinni og gerði það ekki! þú trúir mér ekki þú?" She says
"Uhhh...let's just start with ya name?"
"nafn?" She asks
"Name..." I asked
"Y/n y/n" she says
"Y/n? Aww that's a beautiful name" I told her "I'm whitey,"
"Whitey" she smiles running her finger along my arm a little "whitey" she smiles
"You haven't got the foggiest idea what I'm sayin'...do ya?" I asked
"Whitey" she smiles grabbing me and kissing me though the bars I quickly pulled away in shock backing away till I hit bills desk
"Uhhhhhhh....y/n I uhhh I ummm..." I stutter a little unsure what to say to her after that
"ég vil spila með fallegu" she says
"Hu?" I ask going back to her bars
"laglegur drengur" she smiles running her hand around my chest
"laglegur drengur?... What does that mean?" I ask
"Whitey laglegur drengur" ahs smiles
"So that's what I am? laglegur drengur?" I ask and she nods and I laughed "your weirdly kinda adorable" I laugh
"Ah ah" she smiles opening her arms
"What? Ya wanna another kiss?" I ask and she nods "alright" I smirk putting my hands though the bars and giving her a kiss she insantly put her hands out to cuddle me too both of us melting into the soft sweet kiss as the kiss got deeper moving our lips against each other our little kiss become making out very quickly she slyly ran her hand down my chest so I slipped a hand down and groped her arse a little making her giggle kissing me deeper even gently moaning into the kiss a little she moved her hand away undoing the bottoms on the top of her dress within seconds her tits where out of her dress I couldn't help moving my hands up to feel her...she felt amazing they where so good, so soft and squishy like I never wanted to take my hands away for a moment as I pulled her a little closer just the bars between us I moved one hand away back to her arse so I had one groping her breast the other on her arse her hands slipped down my chest again and undoing my pants we both pulled away a moment to get our breath
"ég vil spila með kynþokkafullur, falleg strákur minn whitey" she smirked
"I don't have the faintest idea what your sayin'" I laugh "so long as it's said kinda sexy I don't give a Shit what the fuck your sayin'" I smirked pulling her back to kissing me grabbing her sexy arse and breasts again she kissed back as passionate as before slipping her hand into my pants which made me moan into her mouth pulling her closer groping on her breast a little harder and slapping her arse as he hand met my hard cock and began pumping "whoa! Y/n.... " I smirked hardly pulling away at all going right back to our make out as soon as I said it, she kept going gently and sweetly so I moved my hand from her arse pulling her dress up and slipping my hand under a little I noticed she had no underthings on at all so I could gently rub my fingers against her clit as we kissed...
This went on for forever just kissing and gropeing and slowly pleasuring each other, it must have been a picture, her dress loose on her top my hand gropeing her left breast my other hand up the front of the skirt of her dress two fingers inside her slowly finger fucking her another on her clit she was hot and bothered for sure still kissing me and often moaning when I made her feel good, her hand in my pants slowly jerking my cock as we kissed the other in my chest working on trying to undo the buttons on my jumper and shirt, once she had undone enough she ran her soft hands up and down my bare skin slyly
"Whitey what the bloody hell are you doing!' I heard bill yell so I quickly pulled away and turned around doing my pants back up
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I blushed "nothing" I said trying to do my shirt back up and fix my hair trying to wipe her lipstick off my face where we had been kissing for so long
"What where you and the girl up to whitey?" He asks
"Nothing I was just uhh... trying to uhh talk with her" I answer as I felt her sly little hands come out the bars and running around me "y/n... In a minute beautiful" I told her pushing her hands away
"ég vil spila með kynþokkafullur, falleg strákur minn" she giggled
"I know I know one minute" I tell her quickly
"Can you understand her?" He asks
"Not in the slightest," I sigh
"But you just responded to her?" He asks
"I think, ég vil spila með kynþokkafullur, falleg strákur minn, means she uhh...wants attention, or atleast I think that's what it means, she says it whenever she's getting.... attention Ish" I explain trying to keep pushing off her horny hands even if I wanted them all over me
"How do you know that's not whitey leave me alone?" He asks
"I don't think that's what she wants...I think that's the uhh opposite of what she wants" I answer as she pulled my back then tight against the bars and kissing down my neck running her hands all over me even if I kept trying to make her stop as bill glared at me
ég vil spila með kynþokkafullur, falleg strákur minn" she growls trying to undo my pants
"See what I mean" I complain making her stop and moving away from the bars so she couldn't get at me and she fixed her dress and looked very sad and bill sighed
"She's been cleared you can let her out, take her home whitey" he laughs handing me her key and leaving so I smirked rushing over and unlocking her cell and she jumps out snuggling into my arms
"spila tíma?" She asks
"Uhhhh?" I ask a little confused
"spila tíma?" She smirked rubbing on my cok
"Ohhh, yeah definitely" I smirk dragging her home with me.

"Guð minn góður! Þú ert svo stór, svo farðu á þessu, hættir aldrei" she screams
"Uhhh! I haven't got a fucking clue what your saying but...fuck it sounds hot whatever it is" I moaned
"Uhh uhh! Whitey!" She moans
"Well I understand that!" I smirk getting faster as we laid on my bed completly naked below my covers and pounding into her sexy pussy until we where both done "uhhh fuck! That was amazing!" I moaned laying in bed with her
"Ummm whitey" she giggled cuddling me
"What it good for you?" I asked and she gave me a kiss "I'll take that as a yes beautiful" I smiled

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