Reporter's Daughter

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I sighed a little watching my father enjoying himself so much, a bunch of these Labelle women surrounded him eager to hear his stories and nonsense. These ladies must be desperate; they have an interest in my father of all people. I learnt myself against the wooden column that held up the porch roof for the sheriff's office of Labelle, my little bag over my shoulder readjusting my gloves as I often did. I headed the office door behind me open and close with the sound of boots heading down the porch towards me.

"The ladies seem ataken to him" he says his accent thick and his body rotting or may as well be given its stench and generally unkemptness,

"As flies to shit" I chuckled

"Ya could say that" he laughed

Making me glace at him boots in the dirt, clothes never seen the inside of the creek, hat on his head and I noticed the glint on his jumper, the silver glint of the law star. And I couldn't help but gave him fully reading the dirty embossed letters

"Deputy?" I asked

"Yes ma'am" he nods

"My, my, aren't I a lucky lady to be in the presence of such" I smiled and for a moment he looked happy but confused "deputy of labelle whitey Winn, youngest deputy this side of the Mississippi, with the sharpest shot yet" I smiled

"Ya Heard of me?' he smiled widely

"I've heard alot about you Mr Winn" I smiled "Miss y/n Grigg" I offered my hand

"Pleasure" he smiled taking it and giving it a soft kiss "Grigg? His daughter? I take it" he laughed glanced at my father still talking with the ladies and I nodded "sorry he said ya weren't down here to talk to bill"

"He's his for his story, I'm here for mine. When he said he was heading to labelle I insisted on coming getting on the ground floor of such a story" I smiled

"Really? Well I'd be happy to give ya an interview"

"I'm sure you would. Whenever you're ready"

"I'm not busy now, shall we?" He smirked glancing and tipping his head in the direction of the office door

"So long as you don't tell my father" I smirked offering my hand

"I won't darlin'. So long as ya don't tell your daddy either?" He smirked taking my hand in his own giving it a kiss his other hand moving around my back to sit on my waist

"I promise."

"Good" he smirked happily tugging me into the office with him shutting and I noticed locking the door behind us setting his hat on the side "So? What would the lovely lady like to know?" He Cooes bringing me a chair over and sitting at his own

"Well, tell me about labelle first of all" I explained grabbing my little bag opening it up to get my note paper

"Well it's a lovely little place, use to be a booming little town. Then of course we had the accident. Lost a lot of good men. Women who could headed off elsewhere left now just the ladies who stay most of them husband's died in the accident"

"Ohh goodness. Did you loose anyone in the accident?"

"Yes actually. My father. I did go down help after the collapse but..."

"Oh my, that must have been terrible"

"It was. But life goes on, you know. Got the job as deputy not long after the accident, bill taught me everything I know"

"He teach you to shoot?"

"Somewhat. Mostly self taught in that department" he smirked showing off a little twirling his gun around


"Don't worry darlin. I won't hurt ya." He winked setting it back in his holster we talked for a good while back and forth but it got more and more suggestive, a lot of flirting, gentle hand touches, glances, and hair fixes "I prefer the 45 I find it has less of a kick back, earlier to control in close quarters" he explained

"May I?" I asked gently stroking down the barrel of his gun brushing my fingers against his for a moment he didn't answer seeming a little sheepish before handing it over

"Course, just be careful little lady she's powerful takes alot of keep her in line"

"I don't doubt it, I'm sure your use to taking control" I smiled feeling the weight in my hand playfully running my hand across it

"I am. Ya know if ya like I have a free day tomorrow, I could take ya out for a ride down to where I practice?"

"You would?"

"Absolutely even give ya a go"

"That's very kind of you Mr Winn but I don't think my father would like that very much" I smiled setting the gun on the desk

"No I don't imagine he would, he ain't been in town long but I don't think he likes me"

"He doesn't like anyone, unless they have something for him" I smiled "still, I don't mind if you don't?" I smirked moving to take his hand as it sat on the desk he glanced down at my hand a moment



"Well, I'd love to I just don't wanna get ya in any trouble" he says taking my hand too

"I'm sure you'd b able to come save me if so"

"I'd be more then happy to darlin." He says his fingers stroking my own "tomorrow? Sunrise?"

"It's a date" I smiled fixing his hair a little, admittedly he was sweet, and rather attractive, I know I definitely wanted too, that and the idea it would really piss off my father would be a bonus.

"Uhhh miss y/n. May I uhh well uhh-"

"If your asking to kiss me whitey, its a yes" I cooed he didn't need to be told twice closing the gap between us pressing his lips to my own he tasted unsurprisingly like dirt but I kinda liked it our kiss started slow and gentle but it didn't take long for us both to become far more passionate I slipped my gloves off throwing them on the desk to hold his neck and the moment I did he quickly grasped my waist with a grown against our kiss he began to stand from his chair so I got up too letting him pull me against him tugging on his hair a little as I perched myself on his desk and he happily got between my legs

"fuck- y/n I"

"What's wrong?"

"... Not on the desk darlin" he smirked

"Ohh, what? You gonna unlock a cell for us and throw me on the cell bed like some little jail girl" I cooed stroking his gunbelts

"Maybe. Maybe not" he smirked glancing to the open floor

"The floor? What kinda girl do you think I am Mr Winn?" I pouted

"Well we ain't got alot of options darlin."

"Yes we do" I smirked giving him a kiss and reaching into my handbag grabbing my hotel keys "daddy got me my own room"

"Did he now? Humm how foolish of him" he smirked "you go I'll be up in a minute" he says giving me one more intense kiss I fixed my dress and hopped off the desk taking my things and heading across the square to the labelle hotel 

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now