Special Chapter

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Hey guys! I'm in a really good mood right now since it's summer, so I wanted to do a special chapter for you guys! ^__^


Elsa: thank goodness it's summer.

Anna: i know right, school is so boring.

Hiccup: no it isnt

Merida: yes it is

Elsa: stop arguing guys, it's summer. Let's celebrate


Elsa: what the fudge happened to him


Tooth: um guys, I think Jack needs a doctor.

Anna: I can help you with that!

Anna: *pushes Elsa infront of Hans*

Elsa: o.O

Hans: O.o

Anna: >:)

Jack: o.o

Jack: AAYYYE GET OFF MY SNOWFLAKE! *pulls Elsa away and hugs her tightly*

Elsa: *blushes hard* um.. Jack?

Jack: You're mine.

Elsa: Jack..

Jack: You're mine. She's mine.

Elsa: *blushes harder* Jack!

Jack: *kisses Elsa* I love you snowflake. Don't leave me.

Elsa: *giggle* Of course not.

Jack: (^▽^)

Hans: pssshhh... ( '-.-)

Punzie: jealous much? XD

Hans: shaddup -.-


Punzie: *spins the bottle* *bottle lands on Elsa* Elsa! I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Jack!

Elsa: wut the?!

Jack: seriously

*in Jack's bedroom*

Elsa: so Jack. How are you

Jack: fine. You?

Elsa: fine. And about earlier--

Jack: *blush* please don't mention it.

Elsa: *giggles* *kisses jack* Okay.

Elsa: what's seven minutes in heaven, anyway?

Jack: (o.o) i-i dont know..

Elsa: hmmm...ok then

~three awkward minutes later~

Jack: uggh this is so boring!

Elsa: i know right

(Outside the room)

Punzie: *whispers* i don't think they're doing it.

Hiccup: me too

Anna: me three

Merida: me four

Tooth: what do you mean by "it"

Punzie: seven minutes in heaven

Aster: Tooth are you thinking about something... different

Tooth: *blush* no..

Punzie: *sighs* okay, seven minutes is done, get out now

No response

Punzie: guys please be serious

Merida: yes lads

Hiccup: i think--

Punzie: shut up Haddock

Hiccup: but i--

Punzie: SSSSHHHH!! *puts ear on door*

Punzie: *gasp* they.. they..

Merida: what


Anna: what the

Merida: *kicks the door open*

Elsa: *holding a barbie doll* (in a squeaky voice) ken i'm falling

Jack: *facepalmed* you're not falling, you just dived into the floor.

Elsa: *barbie giggles* i don't have a brain, sorry

Merida: *whispers* did they escape mental hospital together or something?

Anna: i guess, lol


Jelsa: AAAHHHHHHHH *throws dolls to them*

Elsa: *sighs in relief* it's just you guys

Jack: you scared us


Elsa and Anna went to the bank to deposit money to their cousin, Tarzan.

Elsa: come on Anna let's--

Elsa: Anna?

Elsa looks around for Anna, and saw her eating food inside.

Elsa: o.o Anna where did you get that

Anna: beside the bank. Why?

Elsa: you're not allowed to bring food here

Anna: oh shiz

Guard: lady you're not allowed to bring food here

Anna: i know, i'm not stupid

Guard: then why did you bring food here?

Anna: i just knew it, sorry dude

Elsa: Anna...

Guard: i do not accept invalid reasons. Please go outside.

Anna: wait i'm just gonna finish this

Guard: madam!

Anna: come on, it's just a bite

Guard: no

Guard: a lady can't eat that size with just one bite

Anna: yes i know, but i can

Guard: oh yeah?

Anna: YEAH!

Elsa: did the guard just--

Elsa cut herself off because of the most amazing thing happened. Anna ate the ball for just one bite.

Anna: see? Boom, now shoo

Guard: *storms off*

Elsa: is it me or the guard acted like a girl

Anna: it's not you



(Yes I know it sucks)

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