Chapter 26

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It's been days and I still can't get over the friends with benefits thing. I mean, yeah, I like it, but I don't think it's a good thing to be put in me and Elsa's lives. It's like Elsa's having... having an affair.

But it really hurts (especially ANNOYS) me everytime Hans do those "sweet" things to her and give me mischevious smirks everytime Elsa's back faces me. Ugh. Why is my life so complicated?

I sound like a girl.

I should really stop all these overthinking. And now Mr. Somethin' is practically screaming at me. I call him Mr. Somethin' because I didn't understand him when he introduced himself. In fact, I NEVER understood him. He sounds like he has a cold. And he is also our teacher in French. Which is one of the reasons why I can't understand a thing he says.

I looked at him with a blank face.

"FRSSSCHH POBLEM YADDA YADDA BLAH BLAH!" He kept on yelling and yelling until he stopped and walked to his desk.

"Jack Frost!" He yelled. Actually it sounded like "Zack Prose!" Which kind of made me snicker.

I stood up and raised a brow. "Detention!" He yelled. Again, it sounded like "Detzensiyon!" And I chuckled a bit. He glared and pointed his finger down, telling me to sit down.

I covered my face with my hands and laughed to my heart's content.


I sighed as Ms. Aurora told us to answer in our book. And it's Math time. It was actually pretty easy, since I already studied the answers here in my book.

While I was answering, someone suddenly snatched my book away. "HEY!" I said a little too loud. Okay. Erase the words "a little".

Ms. Aurora looked at me and glared. Sometimes calm-looking people are the ones who easily get pissed. "Ms. Arendela! Detention!" She yelled. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

With nothing to do, I set my eyes downcast. "Yes miss." I said and glared at Charming. He chuckled and gave me back my book. He acts like Jack.

Which reminds me... How is Jack doing?


I groaned when I reached my destination. The detention room. Good thing Mrs. Belle is in charge, she's a really good teacher. Small or big mistake is already forgiven.

I let out a deep sigh and opened the door. Mrs. Belle got alarmed and looked at me with a shocked face. "Ms. Arendela? In detention?" She asked, with widened eyes.

I smiled at her. "Mrs. Aurora." I simply said and she nodded. Everyone knows that Mrs. Aurora is a TOTAL opposite of Mrs. Belle. Small mistake, detention.

I looked around and saw a glimpse of silverish white hair. JACK!

I smiled and rushed to the seat beside him. He was groaning and covering his face with his hands. "Hey Jack." I whispered and he flinched and looked at me. "Elsa! Why are you in detention?" He asked, probably shocked that I was being put in detetention.

"Mrs. Aurora." I simply said and he chuckled. "Oh. What did you do anyway?" He asked. I shrugged. "I yelled." I simply said and he chuckled again. I miss him so much.

We stared at each other's eyes. I miss those eyes. He leaned over and I did the same. We closed our eyes until


We flinched and looked at the door. A smirk crept up his face as everyone looked at him. "Sorry I'm late, Mrs. Belle." He said as Mrs. Belle raised a brow. "No one's late in detention. Sit down, Hans." She glared.

Hans chuckled and went towards us. Towards Jack, to be exact. "My seat. Shoo." Hans said as Jack scoffed and walked away to another seat. "Hey babe." He leaned over to kiss me but I stopped him.

"Don't." I said. His eyes widened. "What? Why?!" He said, almost yelling. "I'm not in the mood." I said and looked away. "Okay! Okay!" He said, pissed. Good for you.

-After Detention-

I quickly walked away before my "boyfriend" gets in the way. I miss Jack so much.

Suddenly someone held my wrist. I opened my mouth to scream, but it threw a liquid object in my mouth. I accidentaly drank it, and my vision got blurry.

I felt my body go weak.

I saw.. Hans.. smirking.

"You cheating little girl. I'll make sure you're mine." He said and chuckled. He carried me bridal style into a classroom, locked the door and laid me down on the floor.

No. Please.


He crawled on top of me and started to suck on my neck. I tried to scream or push him away, but I was too weak to do anything... except cry.

He put his hands on my breasts and started to massage them. No... no please...

He went down to the center of my breasts and started kissing them. After that he took off his pants and mine. He kissed my thighs and took off my underwear. He took off his too, and it was hard.


I began to cry harder. He searched for something in his pants and took

I forced my lips to move. "HELP!" I screamed and then I began to feel weaker. Hans glared and put the protection on.

He opened my legs and was about to put it inside me when..

"GET. OFF. MY. SNOWFLAKE." Someone yelled.

Jack. I love you..

And things began to go blurry.
After a couple of minutes a color of silverish white hair went closer to me.

"Jack.." I tried to say, but I was too weak. I saw a heart melting smile.

"Shhh... You'll be fine snowflake. Frostbutt is here."

I feel like I want to cry.

I love you, frostbutt.




But those details weren't coming from ME. It was from my couz, Yuri, who reads stories and DOESN'T EVEN CARE if it's totally inappropriate. SHE TOLD ME TO ADD A LITTLE INAPPROPRIATE SCENE BECAUSE THIS STORY WAS TOO APPROPRIATE! AAAHHH

But nah, I love her just the way she is. She also has an account, her username is @queenofswaggers_ she didn't make any stories YET, but she made one on her notebook and it was AWESOME.

Goodbye my lovely Frosties and my magnificent Jelsa Arenties!


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