Chp. 2

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As we made our way to the camp, the situation in the car was slowly approaching awkward, so I turned up the music and tried to drown out my worries. I was thinking of Lyle and how he had that blunt, if he got caught he would be going to jail for sure… but he was good at weaseling his way out of trouble. 

I looked in the rearview mirror, seeing Allison’s bobbing head with her earphones in, she was totally oblivious to my stare but that’s how I liked it. In a way, I kind of missed her, the way she made me feel good about myself… but I also couldn’t forget the way she made me hurt. She tore me down, built me back up, and then tore me back down again… but she made me feel something. Within all the hurt and the pain, I kind of started to fall hopelessly in love with her. 

She didn’t know that though. 

It had been a month since we talked normal, she could’ve changed, and Kate had claimed that she only came for me, but that was hard to believe. Sure, maybe she was delighted with the fact that I was going, but I wasn’t the only reason. 

I couldn’t be.

I remember the night I blew up on her like it was yesterday, when I cried in front of her for the first time. She seemed taken back that night, and ever since we haven’t been the same. She knew she hurt me, but was she ever going to own up to it? Apologize like a normal human being?

In my mind I doubted it, but I always had that tiny hint of hope. 

Besides, there was no one else here that was gay, Kate wasn’t for sure, so it was just me and Allison, even though I was pretty sure she was bi-sexual. 

I watched the city leave behind me in the rearview mirror and I sighed, wondering if this was going to be a good weekend. It didn’t feel bad, I had no uneasy feeling, besides the fact that Lyle had illegal weed in his presence, but other then that I was fine. 

Then I heard Kate groan, “Jeez I cannot take the awkwardness anymore! It’s killing me, seriously, you two need to kiss and make up already!”

Her words weren’t my favorite combination, but the awkwardness wasn’t bothering me one bit, I shrugged, “I have nothing to apologize for.”

I saw Allison folding up her headphone, “I don’t think it’s appropriate in front of you, Kate.”

Kate sighed heavily, she knew she wasn’t getting shit out of us, but I knew she wasn’t going to give in quite yet. “We’re spending the weekend together, and it’s going to be a long one if you two ignore each other the entire time. Just be normal…”

I laughed, “We’re anything but that Kate.”

She rolled her eyes, “I know that, but get over yourselves…”

I fell silent again, good try Kate, but it wasn’t working. I wasn’t apologizing, or talking to Allison before she apologized to me… 

And that was final. 

I glanced at Allison again in the rearview mirror and this time her eyes locked with mine, and I felt my heart flutter. I pulled my gaze away from hers quickly and looked straight, seeing nothing but empty highway road in front of me. 

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