Chp. 6

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After we all got sick of the Lake it started to get dark, and we headed to the porch to start grilling some dinner. Nathan and Zeke were taking care of that while we all chilled and drank. The Lake incident had scared us, but Nathan was just being funny… or trying to.

It wasn’t funny at all to me though. 

Lyle nudged me, “You need to chill, wanna try some of that stuff I showed you earlier?”

I looked at him, “Lyle, I’m not getting high with you…”

He smiled, “It would calm your nerves though,” he wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed. He was so retarded, but I loved him. Even though he was a clown, he was probably one of the smartest people I knew. Sure, he didn’t put out 100 percent but he still knew a lot… even though he tried to keep that on the low. 

Finally the food was ready and I fixed me a burger, and sat next to Kate and Allison, feeling Allison’s bare leg touch mine. We were seated around a small fire that Lyle and Zeke had created, and I rolled my eyes at the thought, these two were going to burn down the cabin if we didn’t watch them with that damn lighter. 

I looked at Allison, and she smiled, she was playing her game, but I was going to play mine to. She wasn’t going to win this time… she was going to have to try hard if she wanted to get what she wanted from me. 

My talking stomach finally settled, and I was full, I didn’t even remember the last time I ate, but Nathan sure knew how to cook a burger. He was sitting next to Kate, and I studied them, they were so cute.

Perfect couple in my mind. 

They would make some sexy ass babies.

Zeke spoke, “So… you guys wanna tell scary stories? Cause I have one.”

I looked at Zeke, right now I wasn’t in the mood to hear one, mostly because we were in the middle of nowhere and I was already still on high alert from earlier today. 

But everyone else was gun hoe for it, and I sighed in defeat, feeling nervous before he even started. 

“There was this  group of friends, just like us, came on a trip to get away for a weekend… they stayed at a cabin maybe three miles from here.” He gestured towards the woods, and he continued, “A man, wearing a mask, all white with hints of dried blood on it. He tortured them, isolating them from each other, making them live their worst nightmares… like he lived in  their dreams. He would slaughter each of them, slowly, and eventually it was down to the last girl, she screamed so loud just before he slit her throat. They say you can hear her echoing scream at midnight, when she died.”

I had the chills, and I’m not the one who gets creeped out easily… but tonight wasn’t a good night. 

I had had a long day.

I looked around the group, I seemed to be the only one that was actually creeped out by the story, so I tried to hide my emotions. 

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