Chp. 3

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I was staring at the toilet seat, wondering what possessed me to even come in here. I would literally rather pop a squat outside then in here…

I looked in the mirror, seeing my reflection and wondering what I was actually going to do this weekend. Get high with Lyle? Gossip with Kate? Or was Allison going to be in my future? Was she ever going to talk to me alone? And if she was… what was I going to say? Was I going to listen? Fall again? 

Then I felt the bathroom get cold, like ice cold, and I actually shivered. 

I whispered, “What the hell…?”

Did they turn the air up? I glanced back at the mirror and it was literally frosted over, I touched it with my finger tip and it was ice cold. I backed away from it, feeling the heat in my body leave. My heart beat was speeding up, and I was scared… something weird was going on.

Then the lights went out, the darkness engulfing me like an black abyss, I pressed my back against the wall.

I screamed, loud, and I felt a hand on my neck, pressing me harder against the wall, I choked. I tried to grab the invisible hand but I couldn’t, it was like nothing was there, like a ghost was choking me, and I started to get weak.

What the fuck was going on? Why  couldn’t I get this off of me?! 

I whimpered, “Please…. Help…” the air was leaving and I felt my head grow hot, oh God help me… 

Then as I was about to pass out, the lights came on, the pressure on my throat was gone…

And the mirror read, “Malum.”

I wanted to pass out, I had never been so terrified in my entire life! Malum? What was that? What did that even mean? 

Then the door bursts open, revealing Allison, “Um, what the hell were you screaming for?”

I had no words, my eyes left the mirror and were on Allison’s worried face, and I shook my head. I pulled my eyes back to the mirror, but the mirror was normal again, the writing gone, and the temperature was normal as well. What the actual fuck was going on here?

I shook my head, leaving the bathroom, “Nothing… I saw a mouse.”

Then I disappeared out of the store. 

I couldn’t get it out of my head, it was consuming my thoughts, I had felt as if I had almost died! I couldn’t understand it, it was so sudden, nothing like I’ve ever experienced in my life. The fear… it was  terrible, horrifying… 

And I was scared to tell anyone about it, to afraid that they would think I was crazy.


We were back in the car continuing on our way to the camp, but all I could do was think about what happened at the piece of shit gas station. Was it haunted? Did that happen to everyone that used the bathroom? Was the evil ghost spirit thing’s name Malum? Is that what the word meant? 

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