Chp. 12

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***LYLE’S POV***

I screamed in horror as I watched my best friend be decapitated, I struggled against Kate’s arms, which were wrapped around my shoulders, holding me from running out of the house. I couldn’t explain the feelings I was having, but they were horrid. 

I was horrified, terror had taken over me, but I was also ashamed, ashamed that I could do absolutely nothing for Zeke. 

I watched as the man grabbed Zeke’s lifeless, beheaded body and drug him into the dark woods, leaving his head behind. I knew it was on purpose, he didn’t think we had seen, but me and Kate had caught a glimpse of one of Zeke’s last moments… 

We had rushed to the door when we heard him scream for help, but we saw his legs, and his head being held down by the man’s heavy hiking boot. 

The axe slicing through the air. 

Then it was silent, and the man was gone, and there was no way to escape. 

I felt the tears rolling down my face, my hair was damp with sweat. I looked at Kate, and I knew she was in remorse to, she had suffered just as much as me. I pulled her into me, whispering, “Do we run for it?”

She pulled back, looking at me, “I… don’t know. We should probably find Brooklyn and Allison, they headed down the long hallway, but there’s only one room down there… I don’t know where they could be. We can’t leave them though.”

I nodded in agreement, I’m not to sure how we got separated but we needed to reunite quick before the psycho came back. I knew he wasn’t done with us, and I had a feeling that he was going to murder us all, each one more gruesome then the other, and I’m not sure how much more horrible it could get after Zeke’s. 

But the images in my head weren’t pretty.

Kate’s hand was gripping mine, and I knew it was pure fear that was keeping her from breaking down instantly. It was the same for me to, and as she pulled me through the house, I realized the only reason I was running was because of her. 

Well, her and Brooklyn and Allison. 

They were the only people keeping me going, I wanted to get them out of here, I wanted us to get out of here. 

But I had a horrible intuition that that wasn’t going to happen. 

I tried to block the thought in my head as Kate searched for Brooklyn and Allison but I couldn’t. If the asshole had already killed Zeke and Nathan, the two strongest and brutal guys we had… 

He would most definitely get the rest of us. 

Or maybe he was picking off the stupid ones, the ones who didn’t know how to play this little game of his…

But I knew. 

He wanted us to run, try to get into the car and leave, but I knew better. He wanted to separate us, and he had accomplished that with Zeke, but he wasn’t going to have an easy time with us. I was smart, I watched tons of scary movies, I knew how this all worked. 

We just had to play this chess match better then him if we wanted to win and get the hell out of here. 

Kate turned around, “Should we go and see if the car would start?”

I looked at her, shaking my head, “No… that’s what he wants. He want’s us out in the open…”

We made it into a tiny closet, and Kate shook her head, like everything that just happened finally hit her. She sank to the ground, weeping, “What the fuck was I thinking bringing us here…?”

I knelt down, trying to sooth her with my presence, “Kate… you didn’t know. None of us did.”

She shook her head, “This town had horror stories circling around it…. I just never believed them. I was stupid, and now look where we are. Two of us are already fucking dead because of me.”

My hand found the side of her face, I shook my head, “No… Kate this isn’t your fault. Stop blaming yourself.”

She was crying, and I could only imagine how she felt. I lost one of my best friends, but she lost someone that loved her unconditionally. I knew Kate for awhile, and one thing she never had was someone who cared about her as much as Nathan did, and she knew that. Now he was dead, and it was tearing her apart, everything they wouldn’t get to do together.

I sank down next to her, her head resting on my shoulder. Maybe we should stay hidden in here till dawn, and when it was light outside make a break for it. 

I knew we needed to find Allison and Brooklyn, but our luck they were already dead. 

It had been maybe twenty minutes since I witnessed Zeke’s death, and time felt as if it was dragging on and on. Like a class you hated when you would constantly look at the clock, not understanding why the minute hand would never move fast enough. 

This was a very long, terrifying class that was going to drag on till daylight. 

Then I heard a scream, and I recognized it instantly. 

It was Brooklyn’s. 

I looked at Kate, and her eyes watered, she went to stand up, but I held her down with my arm across her chest. I shook my head, “Ssh, listen…”

We were silent, and Kate didn’t understand why I was hushing her, but I had my reason. Brooklyn’s scream wasn’t a scream that was blood curdling and terrified, it was a startled scream.

Then that’s when we heard it. 

Allison’s voice, very muffled and distant, but hearable, “Brooklyn, shut the fuck up…”

Kate nearly laughed out loud when she heard that, but I knew it was because she was happy Brooklyn and Allison were ok. Not because of what Allison told Brooklyn to do. 

Their voices, they were so distant, so muffled, but yet… so close. I wasn’t quite understand but it sounded as if…

They were right below us. 

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