Chp. 21

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I held the rusted knife in my hand, between my pointer and middle finger, and I felt the edge, realizing it really wasn’t that sharp.

Then a loud buzzer went off, and I jumped, hitting the shelf and sending it to the ground. I looked up, a digital clock of some sort lit up, and a red 3 lit up, and then it began counting down. 

2:59... 2:58... 2:57

Why was he timing me?

I didn’t think, I just did, and I leaned down and began to inspect the stitches that ran along my leg. They were fresh, and the blood was just starting to dry, but the thing that worried me the most was the aching…

I was starting to feel it again.

The rigidness was hot under my fingers, and I knew that I didn’t have time. I started against the stitches with my knife, and the pain hit me immediately. I didn’t expect it to be so harsh, but it was, and it brought tears to my eyes.

Allison screamed out in horror as blood began to seep out of the cut more rapidly, and I cringed at the pain and the blood. I gagged, but the pain was overtaking me. I grabbed the broken end of the stitch and began to pull it out of my leg, opening up the gash as I went. 

I pulled, and my skin stuck to the string of the stitch, and I flinched as I pulled. I screamed as the gash opened up a little more, and I glanced up at the clock.


I felt my mouth watering, either from the pain or I was literally about to throw up again. I knew that the key wasn’t going to come out on it’s own. 

The cut was deep, and the sting of a dirty cut was coming back, and the aching as well. Soon enough I was going to be able to feel every little thing that I did to it, and I couldn’t have that. I needed to get the key out, as soon as possible. 

I threw the knife down, and I stared at the oozing cut, and Allison screamed, “No… Brooklyn… just go… don’t.”

I shook my head, I wasn’t giving up now, not after what I just did to myself. I was going to fight till I died, or I escaped, one of those. I couldn’t just give up now… there was no way in hell. 

I pressed against my skin as the key barely began to move under my skin, and I looked at the clock again.


The time was slipping away from me now, and I knew I needed to work fast. I didn’t know what was being timed. Maybe when the timer hit zero, he would come out and murder both of us, or he would do something so brutal that we would have to suffer for hours on end. 

Or maybe… he was going to electrocute Allison in that chair. 

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