Chp. 10

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I cringed at the piercing scream, looking at Allison and her face held worry, “What the fuck was that?”

I became worried, and I ran to the door, and it swung open, hitting me in the face, revealing a very frantic Kate. My head throbbed from the impact, but Kate had her back against the door, she was crying hysterically, if you even wanted to call it crying. 

Something was wrong…

I stood, grabbing her shoulders, “Kate? Kate! What the hell is wrong!?”

She shook her head vigorously, she was in shock, she was crying, screaming, but nothing was coming out of her eyes. She sunk to the floor, knees pulled up to her chest, she sobbed, “N-Nathan… he’s d-dead.”

What? Did I hear that correctly?

I shook my head, “What? Kate… where’s Nathan, stop playing stupid.”

She screamed in my face this time, making sure I understood her, “He’s fucking dead Brooklyn! There’s a man out there! He killed him!”

My heart sank. The man in the woods. The dark figure I had seen the night before…

He was real, and he was here. With us. 

Kate was crying frantically, and Lyle and Zeke had finally joined us downstairs, “What the hell is wrong with Kate?”

I ignored them, expecting Allison to deliver the horrific news. I looked at Kate, she was broken, completely, she was so shattered… there was absolutely nothing I could do to make her better. I pulled her into me, this wasn’t happening to us… not me. There was no way… 

These things only happened in movies…

I wanted to cry, I wanted to break down and give up already… but no telling what Kate had witnessed at the lake. The dampness on my shirt was sticking to my skin, and I pulled Kate’s eyes up to me, I wiped her tears, “Kate…”

She shook her head, “We need to get out of here… now.”

I nodded, agreeing with her 100 percent… I never thought we should’ve came here in the first place. 

My intuition was right. 

But I needed to focus, I needed to get us out of here. 

Obviously Allison had told Lyle and Zeke what happened because they were both looking at me, desperation and complete terror in their eyes. I locked the cabin door, running over to the window that went out to the lake.

There he was, Nathan’s body, lying on the edge of the pier, hatchet sticking out the back of his head. 

I gagged, feeling sick to my stomach instantly… I mumbled, “Please God no…”

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