Chp. 16

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I stared down at Brooklyn in horror as she stood 8 feet below me in this bottomless pit. I couldn’t see the bottom, and what was in the hole, but I knew that Brooklyn wasn’t safe down there. 

But we weren’t safe up here either. 

Lyle tugged on my arm, and Brooklyn whimpered, “Run!” and we did. 

We ran like hell into the woods, it was dark, and hot and I knew the man was behind us, I just didn’t know where. 

I turned back, seeing him, he was so damn tall… and what was he dragging?

Oh God… was that… Kate?

I gagged, and Lyle pulled me behind a tree, helping me up to a high branch. I climbed, and Lyle was lucky I was strong because if I wasn’t his plan would’ve gone to shit. 

I pulled him up, and we climbed higher into the tree, and I knew why we were doing this. He wanted to rest, we needed to, and we needed to help Brooklyn out as soon as possible. We couldn’t leave her down there, in that hole. 

No telling what was actually down there. 

Lyle sat next to me, putting his head in his hands and crying, and I felt horrible. I felt like shit actually, I was terrified, horrified with the events that had occurred tonight, and I was deeply, gravely hurting. I had known Kate for awhile, but I couldn’t say the same for Nathan and Zeke, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t depressed because they were murdered. 

I was in shock, I think, the actuality of the night hadn’t hit me yet, but I knew when it did hit me it was going to hit me hard. 

I was just praying Brooklyn was going to be ok, and I knew we needed to find a way to get her out of there. Fast. 

I rested my head on Lyle’s shoulder, wrapping my arm around him, and pulling him into me. I didn’t know how to comfort him, much less comfort him from something like this because there was nothing I could do to take the pain away. 

I couldn’t resurrect his friends, even though I wish I could. 

Then I remembered the look on Brooklyn’s face when she saw Kate, and I felt my heart rip wide open. I could only imagine how she felt, her best friend for years was gone, murdered, right in front of her eyes. There was nothing she could do to save her, and the guilt was probably eating her alive. 

It was eating me alive. 

Lyle whimpered, “God… how could this happen to us?”

I shook my head, not understanding why this was happening, and why this was happening to us. We didn’t deserve it, sure, we were kids, but we were normal kids. We weren’t drug heads and blow outs, I mean Lyle and Zeke were into weed but they were smart… well Lyle was anyway. 

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