Chp. 15

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I watched in horror as the masked man appeared from behind the cabin, Kate and Lyle were totally oblivious to his presence. I screamed, seeing the man lift the axe into the air and knowing he was aiming for Kate, not Lyle. 

Even though he was a good twenty feet away from Kate, I knew her fate. I screamed, “Kate!” I felt my finger point towards the man and Kate’s eyes widened. 

As if she knew exactly what was going to happen. 

The axe sliced through the air, everything happened in slow motion as I witnessed the most horrific event I had ever seen. The axe hit Kate in the back, she screamed out in pain, and I felt my legs weaken, my entire world shattered.

My eyes were fixated on the blade of the axe that was sticking out from between her breasts, and as if mimicking my actions, she fell to her knees to. 

I gagged, cried, but as I watched my best friend fall face down into the ground, everything I knew was over. My heart felt like it had collapsed completely, and even if I was hidden in the dark forest thirty yards away from Kate… and that man… I knew I was still in danger. 

I just didn’t care anymore. 

I felt someone grabbing on my hand, pulling me up but I was lifeless, numb to the world, and everything that was happening. 

But my body responded. 

I was running, besides Allison and Lyle, I didn’t know exactly where we were going but as soon as my mind started to come back to me I felt the ground give way under my feet. 

I fell, down, and for a couple of seconds I thought I was dead, but when I hit the bottom of this pit I was in I realized I wasn’t.

But I wish I was. 

I was kneeling on top of something soft, and I was to afraid to look down, praying to God it wasn’t what I thought it was. I looked at Allison and Lyle who were above me, the hole was probably 8 feet deep, I whimpered, “Run!”

They looked at me with complete shock, and then Lyle muttered, “We’re coming back.”

Then they were gone. 

I stood, stepping off of Zeke’s lifeless body, I cringed, gagged, and finally, I threw up. It was in the corner of this hole, and I saw Nathan’s body to, under Zeke’s. 

He was throwing our bodies into this goddamn pit!

Then I heard rustling above me. 

I pressed my back against the dirt wall, it was dark down here, and I could barely make out Zeke’s body if it wasn’t for his head that was missing. 

I knew if he looked down here he wouldn’t be able to see me, but I was still horrified because I knew exactly who else was going to be joining me down here. 

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