3.2: Chaos Rising pt. 1

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Teen Wolf AMV- Whatever It Takes

Stiles and Scott left. I stayed behind with Derek. Isaac has been in and out of it for a while now. I keep telling myself that I'm here just for him. 

"You should go home," Derek suggested after a while. Isaac is asleep again. 

"Why didn't you ask for help before? I offered it in the beginning of the summer. You never got back to me," 

"Sky," he sighed. I took a seat next to him on the stairs. "I was going to. I went over and I heard you and your mom talking about you getting into Standford. I don't want to be the reason why you don't get to that," 

"I'm already in. I passed their tests, I wrote my letter, and I gave them a little intel on my work. Helping you doesn't compromise that in any way, Derek. I thought we were friends. Friends let each other know when they need help," he sighed looking down at his hands. I bumped my shoulder into his. "Come on. Talk to me," 

"I can't be your friend anymore," he shook his head. I pulled away from him. "It's too hard. It has nothing to do with you personally. You're kind of-" he paused and looked over at me. "Perfect," 

"Oh, my god," my heart is literally about to jump out of my chest. "No," 

"I know," he shook his head. "It's messed up and-" 

Fuck it. I leaned into him pressing my lips against his. It caught him off guard for a second but he instantly responded. He picked me up and set me down on his lap to straddle him without hesitation. His hands slipped under my shirt. I turned away to try and catch my breath. His mouth suckled on my neck. 

"Holy shit," I panted and pulled away. My entire body is shaking. 

"I'm sorry," his eyes are glowing and I'm pretty sure mine are too. 

"I kissed you," I laughed.

"I'm the adult here," he shook his head. 

"You're barely legally allowed to drink. Don't get crazy," I scoffed. My body is buzzing. "This is crazy," 

"That can't happen again. You have a boyfriend," he reminded me. I can taste him in my mouth. 

"Oh, my god I'm a fucking ass hole," I took a deep breath and turned away. If I keep looking at him I am going to kiss him again. "I should go," 

"Yeah, that's a good idea," he's trying to calm down. I laughed again and turned to face him. "Stop," he grinned. "I will take you on these stairs with Isacc laying on that table," 

"Is that a threat or a promise?" why does my voice sound like that. He looked up at me with a glare his eyes are red again and his pants are coming out with traces of his growls. I grabbed my helmet. "Right, leaving. We can't be alone again," my body is responding to his. "Derek-" 

"Go, Sky," he begged. "Please," 

"I'm sorry," I rushed out. The fresh air helped clear my head a little. What the fuck was that? What did I just do? 

I put my helmet on and drove the speed limit back home. I even drove the long way on the actual street. I seriously fucked up. I just did that. I kissed Derek Hale. I am the worst kind of girl there is. This is not okay. Gideon and Derek do not deserve that. I smacked my helmet against my bike when I parked next to Scott's bike at home.  

"Hey," Scott rushed out of the house. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded turning my head enough to be able to see him out of my helmet. 

"Why are you sitting on your bike like that?" 

"I'm not ready to get off yet. I love it," I lied. He laughed. 

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