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Panic! At The Disco- High Hopes 

Some people say they miss being a kid. The way things are so much simpler. The way things that seem so important turn out to be utterly meaningless and just a cute learning experience. That's perfect really. Maybe if I could go back and change something I would. But it's not that easy. Nothing ever is. 

My fate came at a young age. My brother and I had just turned eight. It came like any common cold. It started with an itch in my throat. It turned into a cough. Then it all came undone. I went from a laughing out loud and calling out for my loved ones to the girl that had to learn sign language. To the silent phantom looming after everyone I care about. It kind of felt like my life ended then.

After a couple of years of treatments and surgeries that didn't work, things began to get difficult. I accepted my silent fate. My dad accepted my silent fate but my mom couldn't let it go. She had taken sign classes with me. She had done everything a mother with a mute child would and so much more. But she didn't want to give up the fight she had been losing from the moment that itch started in my throat. 

It changed me. It changed them. Minor arguments became monumental. We didn't have the money to continue treatments. The medical bills started piling up. We slowly started making small material changes. Then we had to get a cheaper car. The store-brand sodas and the pack of socks that cost half the price and fit both me and Scott.

Things didn't just get louder at home, some times it got violent. My dad never laid a hand on my mother but the holes punched through the wall told the story of how he wished he could. He slept in the spare room most nights. He got up in a bad mood. They both did. It was like their one purpose every morning was to argue and it hurt. Not just me but my brother. He didn't know what to say or what to do. Neither did I, even if I could speak what would I have said? I'm sorry, doesn't seem to be enough anymore.

Scott rarely looked at me. I rarely looked at him. Guilt is like that. I wanted to tell them to stop. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that I'm okay with what happened. That I will continue living as normally as I could. I wanted to let my mom know that I love her for trying so damn hard to bring back the happiness we once had but I couldn't. 

My desperation wasn't enough to make them stop. It wasn't enough to take us back to what we had. It wasn't enough to ease any of the pain we all felt. I had single-handedly unleashed a monster that destroyed our lives and there isn't a single thing that I could do to make it go away. 

Life isn't always fair. One day things are perfect. You have a mom and dad who love you and each other. You have the best brother. You are the epitome of health and all is well in the kingdom. 

Then the next thing you know, your brother is laying at the bottom of the steps bleeding from his head. Your parents hate one another. Suddenly a throat itch completely takes away your ability to speak. Suddenly everything falls apart and its all your fault. Suddenly, your sitting in the hospital while your brother gets stitches and your parents are filing a divorce. Then, there is no more dad. Then there's just mom and the broken expression I had caused her.

"Hey, mom said you got a job at the tires and mechanics place," I looked up at my brother and nodded. "Good job. Look," 

He placed a piece of paper in front of me. I smiled at him when I saw it was a work permit similar to my own. His name amazingly printed at the top along with his information. We had been asking mom to let us get jobs. She finally agreed with the condition that we get work permits and bam. Here they are. 

-That's great- I signed handing it back to him. 

"I know. I have an interview tomorrow after school at the old veterinary place with doctor Deaton," 

-You're going to crush that interview- I encouraged.

"I hope so. I wanted to ask you a favor," 

-What's up?-

"You know how Stiles and I are playing lacrosse now?" I nodded. "I was hoping you could help me practice this summer. I don't want to sit on the bench all season again. I want to make first line. I'll give you anything you want," 

-It's cool. Sure. I'll help. I can start watching tutorials on YouTube.-

"Are you sure? I know you like to play your video games. It'll cut back on your gaming time," I laughed. 

-How about an I O U?- he smiled. 

"Okay. I'll owe you. Whenever you want help with something, I am there,"

-Sweet. Is Stiles coming?-

"Nah, he's helping his dad with some stuff. He probably won't be around most of the summer," 

Scott and I had grown apart since dad left. I think we both secretly know it's my fault he and mom always fought. I thought he hated me for that. I didn't blame him. If I hadn't gotten sick none of this would have happened. We'd still be a family. 

-Mom is taking us to get our driver's stuff tomorrow at three. Did you study?- 

"Heck yeah. Did you?" I nodded. 

-Okay, big day for both of us tomorrow. Good luck.-

"You too," he laughed before he rushed out of the room. 

Things haven't been well for a while but I hope things start looking up. I started up my computer and began to research all things lacrosse. If Scott wants to make first line, then I'm going to try my best to help him get there. After all, he's my big brother. By a few minutes but that's neither here or there. He's the only one I've got. I have to show him that even when I can't say much, I'm here and I'm not going to bail on him. It's the least I can do for taking so much from him. 

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