3.8: Visionary

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Run Boy Run- Teen Wolf

I haven't been here since the beginning of the summer when I tried to reach out to Derek. I can still smell their faint scent all over the place. I walked into the old subway trolley and went over to the makeshift bed made out of the blankets I had gotten for them. I sat down feeling like literally, anything is going to shatter my very existence. 

The first time Derek asked me to help with the pack, I had been home alone all day. He said he was having trouble getting through to Erica. When I first turned, I wanted familiarity more than anything. To know something was the same despite all of the changes we were going through and for me, it was Scott's room. I'd go in there and I'd clean up his mess. I'd change things around to confuse him. When I was finished, I'd sleep like a baby. 

Before Erica and I stopped talking to one another, she bought me a giant Stitch for my birthday, and until the day I brought it here, it sat on my bed. When I arrived the boys were fighting with Derek watching closely giving them pointers. Derek let me know she was in here and I found her sitting the same way I am now, fiddling with the blankets. She was angry but mostly she was sad. I sat down next to her. 

"Are you here to get me in trouble?" she asked. I laughed. 

"Why would I? Tell me what's going on?" 

"Derek is kind of an ass hole," she answered. 

"Not kind of. He is," I smiled at her making her grin. 

"It's just that they're boys, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. This is harder for us because they're all instinct and they kind of expect us to be that way too. But when things get a little tense between us I ignore Derek's texts," I saw him look back at me through the window. She laughed. 


"Yeah, I take some time to myself. I clean up my room, the bathroom. I take a hot bath or a cold one depending on my mood. Anger, cold. Sad, boiling hot," she laughed. "Pick a scent. Something that doesn't make you want to scratch your face off," 

"Like Jackson's body spray?" she asked. We both laughed. 

"Yeah, exactly. I like lavender, lilacs, cherry blossoms. Floral stuff but I always get soft fruit scents off you. Like apple and strawberries," 

"Yeah," she nodded. 

"Derek is a guy. He handles things like a guy and he forgets we're not. You don't have to here with him all the time. It'll drive you nuts. Trust me, I had to deal with him and then love struck Scott at home," 

"Ugh," she complained. I reached into my backpack and pulled out some books and the Stitch. Her face lit up. "Are these for me?" 

"Yeah, I don't have more classics. I'm more into Shakespeare than romance novels," I handed her the books. She looked them over adoringly. Even after turning, Erica never stopped being the sweet girl who cared about everyone. The one that used to read to me and voice my thoughts when I couldn't. 

"I know. You and Isaac were Romeo and Juliet for Hallowing in sixth grade," she giggled. 

"These are second editions. My mom got them for me before high school so take care of them," 

"I promise," she smiled. 

"I always find that familiar scents are calming too. So, Stitch," I pushed him to her. She wrapped her arms around the plush tightly and took a deep breath. 

"Thanks, Sky. You're the best,"

In better spirits, she ran over to Derek and apologized to him for yelling. It caught him off guard when she hugged him ruffled his hair. It used to catch me by surprise too. I'm not as affectionate as she is but after turning, I find myself needing to be a little more and more every day. He looked back at me when she joined Boyd and Isaac. 

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