Chapter 1 - The New Guys

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A/N: Just before you read, here's the link to the pinterest board for this fic, in case you're interested

People call you pessimistic, you call it realistic. All positivity will do is give you false hope, and leave you unprepared for things that are bound to happen. You know this to be true because you have lived for 800 years on this shithole called Earth. It's said you are blessed to have lived such a long life, well newsflash it's a lot more like a curse. 

You were recruited to join the Avengers, after accidentally going viral for taking out an entire squadron of Hydra members. It was more of a wrong place, wrong time situation. Anyways, Fury found you, no surprise there, and you joined the team. 

You avoided doing this for as long as possible, mainly because it makes no difference. You were on a similar team 200 years ago, fighting crime, the whole lot. It makes no difference, there will always be bad people, and good people who stop them. You prefer just staying neutral. But you have to say, it's fun getting in a fight every once in a while.

Fury says you have to make more of an effort with the team, but it's difficult when most of them are sickeningly optimistic. Good always prevails, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, Steve said there's an important meeting today about a universal threat. You show up to the meeting room 10 minutes early, what can you say, you like getting a good seat.

The team begins to arrive slowly, one by one sitting down around the table. 

"So what's this about?" Natasha asks you, she's the one you like most on the team. She minds her own business, something you can respect. You like Pietro and Bucky too, mainly because they're hot, but also because they're about as deceitful as a new born puppy. You value the honesty of all three of them.

"Not a clue, but considering there's a 'universal threat' like once a week, it should be over quickly," you reply, kicking your feet on to the table.

Once the team all show up, Steve stands up. Here we go again.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to need you to listen very carefully. There was a Titan after the six infinity stones-"

"Wait the infinity stones?" you cut him off, never mind it actually is a universal threat this time.

"Yes Y/N, and he had already succeeded in acquiring the power stone. Next, he was going for the space stone, until he was stopped."

"By who?" Stark asks.

"That's the part I'm going to need you guys to listen to me about," Steve states, "It was Loki."

"Loki? The same Loki that threw me out of a window. Who tried to take over Earth?"

"Yeah, the same Loki. We have been informed by Thor that he has changed since then, and is now on our side," Steve assures the team. Eh, it's believable. You don't necessarily trust anyone in the first place, so whether he has changed or not doesn't really make a difference.

"He's coming to the tower today," he announces.

"Not my tower," Tony snaps back, and leaves the room in a huff.

"Steve, you know you really have a bad case of fixer syndrome," you say, and make your exit, the meeting seemingly over. The rest of the team all begin to leave the meeting room.

"Hey Y/N," you hear Cap's voice and turn around.


"Can you try not to interrupt me in meetings-"

"Why, are you going to punish me?" you tease.

"What? No," he replies sternly.

"Damn it Steve, you're no fun," you walk away and over to the sofa in the common area. You decide to observe the infamous trickster god's entrance from a distance, you learn a lot more about a person when you are able to study their mannerisms without distraction.

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