Chapter 19 - In all Honesty

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You've been acting as Alfheim's queen for a month now, and it's finally your coronation day, which means you get to see the team again. Loki and Thor have only been gone for a few days, only just finishing their visits around Alfheim.

Agda has been teaching you much more advanced spells, you're now able to create illusions of yourself, and are in the process of learning how to apparate to different realms. So far you've teleported from the meadow to your bedroom, not quite travelling to another planet, but getting there.

Multiple maids swarm you, fixing your hair and adjusting your dress. You aren't really that fond of all of the extra help, but it's most of their livelihoods and what they've been trained to do, so you can put up with a few helping hands. You look in the mirror at the gown, it's definitely a lot more elaborate than you're used to, but it is your coronation.

 You look in the mirror at the gown, it's definitely a lot more elaborate than you're used to, but it is your coronation

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You walk down the stairs into the grand hall for the ceremony, Agda standing at the end. As the archmage it is her duty to inaugurate you. 

She places the crown on your head and introduces you as Queen of Alfheim, the celebration commencing almost instantly. You look around the room as people disperse, for your old teammates, one in particular. You spot Nat and Wanda and make your way over to them.

"What do you think of Alfheim?" you ask them as you approach them.

"Can we stay here, like forever?" Wanda pleads.

"I definitely wouldn't mind, but I doubt Fury would share my opinion," you reply, chatting with them and catching up on the latest news from New York. You've missed talking to them, you like to say you don't get attached, and you really wish it were true. Unfortunately, you have grown very fond of all of them.

"Look who it is," you turn to the speedster, who's dressed up a lot more than you've ever seen him.

"I can't call you printsessa anymore, can I Queen Y/N," he jokes, putting emphasis on 'queen', handing you a glass of champagne.

"No, I don't think so," you smile at him, Clint walking up beside him. You chat with the pair, then moving on to Bucky, Sam and Steve. You converse for ages, you've missed out on so much, you really need to advance to planetary apparations soon. You glance around the room, still unable to spot the trickster in the crowd.

"Your majesty," you turn to see the mischievous god bowing, and you nudge him.

"Oh would you stop," you scold him and he smiles as he stands back upright.

"How is life as queen treating you," he asks, walking alongside you through the crowd.

"How is life as a moron treating you," you say wittily, making your way from the noisy party out onto a quiet balcony.

"Still as vexing as ever I see," he replies, as you lean on the parapet looking up at the sky, the stars blocked by the clouds.

"Of course," you remark sarcastically, Loki leaning down beside you.

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