Chapter 6 - Well this is awkward

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Lance leads you upstairs with the eerily silent agents, not a talkative bunch then.

"We have the perfect opportunity, there's a gala tonight, and they're all invited. Now the one to watch out for is Nightwarden. Their identity is the best kept secret in SHIELD. It will be easy to single out the rest of the team, but you need to look around for a reaction from someone in there. The moment we identify who Nightwarden is, the mission will be a lot easier," Lance explains.

He's definitely going to find out who she is, but you don't think he's going to like it very much. You know that these agents have succeeded in every task they have been given, so you need to make sure that the team doesn't get singled out too much. 

"You all just have to blend in as much as possible, there's specific outfits you have all been given to wear." Lance brings you all into a weaponry room, and stylists start coming up to you with dresses and tuxes. Your's isn't necessarily your style, but it's still nice.

 Your's isn't necessarily your style, but it's still nice

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You change into it, damn that slit is high. You walk back into the room, most operatives are back already.

"Easy access, am I right," you joke and get no response. These people have some tough shells.

"Guys you actually need to be more like that tonight, well not exactly like that, but cordial. You have to talk to people, socialise, to keep your cover. Y/N, come here for a second," did you do something wrong already, dear god.

"You're with that Marcus guy right?"

"No, actually. We had a huge fight when we got home last night," you respond, trying to sound as heartbroken as possible.

"He wanted to move back to London, I wanted to stay and take this job. We both agreed long distance wouldn't work, ahem, sorry allergies" you clear your throat, putting on your best act.

"That's awful Y/N, is there anything I can do?" he asks, his tone suggestive, and places a hand on the small of your back. Ew.

"You could be my date tonight? I do love a good rebound," you wink, hoping this will be enough to get him on the mission so he can be detained as well as the hitmen. 

"If it makes you feel better, of course," got him. Men can be so easily persuaded sometimes.


You enter the gala, holding Lance's arm. Taking a quick look around, the whole team is here. Apart from Loki. Wait, oh fuck off.

"Y/N, darling," that little prick.

"Excuse me for one moment," you let go of Lance's arm and pull 'Marcus' to the side. You don't really need to whisper, considering he's in disguise.

"Marcus, what the hell are you doing here? First of all, you said you were moving to London again, and second of all I'm on a mission right now," you snap at him quietly, but loud enough for Lance to hear.

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