Chapter 12 - Trying not to stab Lilith

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"Where are you headed?" you call out from the couch beside Pietro, noticing a familiar trickster walking into the lift.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I have a date," Loki responds as he gets in the elevator.

"If it doesn't go well, send them my way," you shout as the doors close. A date, he never calls his hookups that. He must be actually interested in them.

"Can I press play now?" the speedster whines.

"Yeah, go ahead," you reply, the episode of avatar resuming. You like watching shows with Pietro, his reactions to things are priceless. After an hour or two of binge watching, Loki returns, smiling. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, somethings up. You head over to Loki and the mysterious person, inspecting them.

"Who's the guest," you say casually as you stroll over to the pair, Pietro following suit.

"Lilith, it's a pleasure to meet you." It's certainly not, there's something off about her, you have a terrible gut feeling. Something new you read about your powers, is that you have good natural instincts. Yeah, you don't trust a lot of people, but her, you have a really bad feeling about.

"Likewise," you shake her outstretched hand, plastering a believable warm smile across your face.

"It was nice meeting you, see you later," you smile and head back to the couch with Pietro.

"I don't trust her Pietro," you whisper when they've both left the room.

"Are you sure this isn't just jealousy printsessa, she seemed lovely to me."

"That's because you think she's hot, and I agree she is gorgeous. But I got a bad feeling before I even looked at her, even her breathing, just unnaturally steady."

"I think you're being paranoid, chill out. Loki is a grown man, I'm sure he can handle himself."

"Yeah, maybe I'm just overthinking it. She's probably great." She's definitely not.

"That's more like it, now come on we're almost finished this episode," he grabs the remote and presses play, the two of you continue watching the show.


Loki's been dating Lilith for almost a week now, and she's been in the tower constantly. You didn't think Loki would be one for PDA, but those two never stop. You finally find Loki alone on your floor, Lilith finally went home for one night.

"Hey can I ask you something?" you make your way from the sofa on your floor over to the corridor, and Loki nods.

"Do you really like this girl?" you question.

"Yes, I don't see why that's so hard to believe," he responds, rather offendedly. 

"Jeez, I was just asking. No need to get all hostile," you head into your room, he's clearly defensive about her already. That was oddly quick.


It's been another week, the rest of the team seem to really like her, in fairness you usually hate any new people that come into the tower. You have to trust your gut though, any time you haven't you have always ended up in sticky situations. You'll just keep your distance from her.

You decided to go to a bar tonight, preferring to avoid the happy couple. 

"Can I buy you a-"

"No." You may have contradicted this before, but you definitely aren't hooking up with anyone tonight. It doesn't have the same appeal anymore, for whatever reason. You head back to the tower, Loki and Lilith making out on the couch when you walk in the doors. 

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