Chapter 5 - A whole other life

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"The minute I send Lance the address, there will be constant eyes on this place. So let's hold off on the for as long as possible," you get the spare key from under the second stepping stone to the pond.

"You just left that key there for a year?" Loki asks.

"No a maid cleans the house every once in a while, I airbnb it. Guys I had to live somewhere before I joined the team."

"We just weren't expecting you to own a 10,000 square foot mansion in the Hamptons," Steve says down the line.

"Very perceptive Stevie, and I ran a business for a while."

"What?" you hear multiple members of the team shout.

"Jesus I didn't assassinate anyone, I was an investigator. I dug up dirt on people, and I was good at my job. I was hired by some good people, and some not so good people. That's how I got involved in the whole criminal side of things. I didn't actually do anything that illegal, I don't think," you unlock the large double door, and kick off your heels walking into the vast foyer.

"We have about a day before I really need to call Lance, so there's plenty of time to prepare," you stroll into the kitchen, tossing your weapon filled jacket onto the marble counter, making a large clinking sounds. You empty it out, chucking all of the small blades into a kitchen drawer.

"I'm going to order some food, Chinese sound good?" you turn to the annoyed god and start looking up local places on your phone. 

"Well thanks for the help guys, I'm going to log off for the night. Peace," you tap your ear piece and put it in the drawer with the weapons. Loki takes his off and puts it in too.

You shut the drawer and lock it, and grab a soda out of your fridge. 

"I need to come out here more often, there's no snacks in this house," you walk over to the L-shaped velvet couch, and sit down, kicking your feet up.

"Go explore or something," you shoo the god away and you can tell he rolled his eyes before leaving the room. You had a nice life before joining the avengers, but you are glad you left it behind, you never stopped working. At least in the tower you actually have some downtime. 

The doorbell rings, must be the food. Wait, the last time you went to collect food, you got attacked by eight men. You open the front door, closing it behind you this time. Blood is easier to clean up outside.

"Order for, Y/N Stone," you ordered under the same alias as earlier, it's the name you went by when you were an investigator anyway.

"That would be me," you take the bag and open it, it's actually food this time. You hand the guy some money and wait for him to leave.

"Weirdo," you hear him mumble as he makes his way back down the drive-way. Fair enough.

"Dinner's here," you shout and walk back into the kitchen. You get two plates out of a press and set them on the counter.

"Take your pick," you lay the food out, damn you got a lot more than you thought you did. You serve yourself up a bit of everything and take your plate into the dining room. You sit at the top of the long table and Loki sits at the other end.

"So what's your deal," Loki asks out of the blue.

"I'm pretty sure you know everything now," you start eating your food.

"No, why are you the way you are."

"Well that sounds very positive," you reply sarcastically, and Loki just stares you down menacingly.

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