Chapter 11 - New Discoveries

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Loki was becoming a lot less detestable. You still hate the guy, but a worryingly smaller amount. Not a bad thing, but you don't really want to get any closer to him. He's too difficult to read, and even when he is you can't understand him. His face always looks amused whenever you shout at him, which only gets on your nerves more. You can't stand people who don't take you seriously. On top of that, his own personal history isn't dissimilar to yours, so you know you can't trust him, no matter what he claims.

There have been no missions for the past week since Tony's party, and you have been spending your time reading in the library, often bumping into Loki. You never should have told him where it was, but he probably would have found out eventually.

The books you read you would consider a guilty pleasure, because they tend to be romance books. Yes, you may not personally be a big fan of love, but that's only because you have never been in it. Other people can definitely fall in love, just look at Pepper and Tony, they're perfect for each other. And you can't deny how gripping the stories can be.

The book you're currently reading is 'They both die at the end.' You knew what was going to happen before you even read it, but for some reason still held out some hope that they would both survive. Spoiler alert, they don't. 

At the same time that you're sad about the book, it only reminds you that that day will probably never come for you, but it will for everyone else. You've gotten way too attached to everyone on the team, your heart is going to break when they all inevitably die.

As you read, you sniffle and a tear drops onto the page. You hear the door creak open, shit Loki's here. You quickly recompose yourself, as best as you could anyway, your chair squeaking as you did. 


"Not here," you reply, and dash behind one of the isles.

"Well evidently, that's not true," he jests, and turns around the isle, finding you very easily.

"Are you alright?" he questions, you were hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Just a sad book," you hold up the novel, and place it back on the shelf.

"You do realise I'm the God of Lies, and that clearly wasn't the truth," he stares down at you, you knew he would see through that, but it was worth a shot.

"You wouldn't understand," you say coldly, and start scanning the shelves for a new book.

"Try me."

"Are you particularly close with anyone on the team?" you ask.

"No, I don't really connect with any of them further than acquaintances," he replies and turns the opposite way, looking through the shelves behind you.

"So how would you feel as you watch all of them slowly die, because that is what I have had to do for the past 800 years."

"You said you were adopted, do you know where from?" Loki inquires.

"No, but clearly not Earth," you reply.

"Right, so how do you know that you will never die. Maybe you're only so indestructible because the things used to attack you aren't enchanted."

"What are you saying Loki," you ask, now intrigued.

"I'm saying, have you considered that you might be from one of the nine realms?"

"No, but I know well enough that I can't be from the majority. My powers don't match up with Asgardians, Jotun, Vanir-"

"What about the Light Elves?"

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