Chapter 15 - An Eventful Auction

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It's the day of Stark's charity auction, and you're getting ready in your room. Loki has been a nuisance these past few days, flirting with you constantly. What is more of a nuisance, is how much you enjoy it. 

You pull on the lilac dress, and style your hair out of your face

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You pull on the lilac dress, and style your hair out of your face. You slip a knife in your garter, as usual, and swipe on a light layer of gloss. You hear a sudden knocking on your door.

"Come in," you shout and stand up from your vanity.

"We have to go, you were going to be late," Loki opens the door, gesturing for you to hurry.

"You clean up well," you say to the god as the two of you step into the elevator.

"I'm sorry, did you just compliment me?" he says, slightly surprised.

"Yes, and it won't happen again anytime soon," you answer, and roll your eyes.

"Trust me I wouldn't expect it to. You don't look too bad yourself, although I do think that dress would look a lot better on the floor," Loki comments, and you look up at him.

"As amusing as your little infatuation is, I'd appreciate it if you would tone it down for the night," you goad, and saunter ahead to one of the town cars parked outside. You close the door behind you, and tell the driver to go ahead. You give a small wave through the window to the now agitated man left standing on the pavement. 

The car ride is brief, and you arrive at the charity gala within a few minutes. Stepping out of the car, you follow the carpet inside. You realise you left your purse in the car and turn around, the car has already driven away. Shit, you had put your compass in that. You'll just head back and get something else.

"Where do you think you're going, the auction is starting," Tony catches you as you attempt to sneak back out.

"I forgot to bring something, I need to go get-"

"Not a problem Y/N, I knew this would happen to one of you. Don't worry I have a back-up for you," Stark brings you back over to where the team are sitting at a large table.

"You're a life-saver Stark," you thank him and sit down as he makes his way up to the podium on the stage. The bidding starts on some old baseball cards Steve had, you never knew people would spend so much on a small piece of paper. Tony was right, aristocrats will but anything.

Next up was Clint, who to no surprise, put up one of his old bows. Once again, sold for a ridiculous amount of money. You could literally buy the exact same one for so much less, it's almost entertaining seeing how much these people are willing to pay for the most random things.

After one of Thor's old red capes and a few more arbitrary objects, it's your turn.

"Next up, we have Y/N. Come on up here," Tony gestures for you to join him.

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