Chapter 7 - Old friend

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"I've got back up on the way, it'll be here in about 20 minutes" you reactivate your comms, and tossing four throw throwing stars, slicing agents' necks. You make your way into a parking complex, trying to find the quickest way over there. 

"Alright, Y/N you secure the east side with Wanda, make sure all the civilians are safe. We need to focus on the incoming agents, they're coming in from the west now." Steve commands.

"We underestimated Carla, we assumed that she wouldn't have so many and it would be more tight knit. The ones coming in now clearly aren't as skilled as the ones in the gala, they're much weaker in close combat. Use that to your advantage," Bucky advises.

You reach the top of the staircase and push open the door out onto the rooftop. You spot Tony about 500 feet away, about to fly past you.

"Hey Stark, when you feel a tug on your suit, please don't shoot it off," you propel yourself off the building, and grab onto Tony's leg as he zooms by, he momentum almost flinging you off backwards.

"A bit more warning would have been nice," the tin can says, as you hold onto his leg tightly.

"We don't really have time for that," you let go, falling onto the rooftop nearest to Wanda. You crash down onto the building, and can't stop yourself from rolling. 

"Shit," you just about latch on to the edge, hanging on by one hand. You grab the ledge with your other hand, hoisting yourself back up. You're really getting thrown around like a rag doll today.

You try to look around, seeing where civilians can be let out, somewhere the agents aren't going or coming from.

"I have a plan, everyone evacuate every building you can, instruct them to go to the subway. You can't stay with them, that's the very thing that will put them in danger. Notify every nearby precinct, get everyone in the area underground," you say over comms, and kick down the door of the rooftop, rushing downstairs to get people out the emergency exits.

You lead everyone from the buildings nearest to you down back alleys, and send them to the cops at the other end. You run back to help Wanda.

"These guys want to single us out, kill us one by one. They know everyone's weakness, as do all of you. Make sure they don't get the chance to use that against you," Nat informs.

You hear the sound of an incoming aircraft in the distance, good he's almost here.

"Alright guys, backup coming in from our side. I'll send it west," you say to the team. The aircraft's cloak deactivates and lands, here he comes.

"Y/N, it's been a while."

"T'Challa, I knew you'd make it. We have a bit of a situation," you hand him a small transceiver, connecting him to comms.

"I can see that, I'll ask for the backstory later. Now where do you need me," he activates his vibranium mask. He's exactly who you need right now, his suit absorbs the force of anything shot at him, and it has cloaking technology. These guys don't stand a chance.

"Head west, Cap needs help with the incoming operatives."

"Not a problem," he runs off to the ongoing battle.

"When did you become buddies with the Wakandan king?" Wanda asks as the two of you run to a building yet to be evacuated.

"He's an old friend," you shout as the two of you start to round people up and out the back exit. You run back out and the building across the street is beginning to collapse, shit there's civilians there.

"Watch my six," Wanda says and starts supporting it as the people scurry out from underneath. Sneak attacks are Wanda's weakness, she's figured that out, but what's yours. If they're going to try kill the whole team, which includes you, they're going to need to subdue you to get you into a lab. 

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