Chapter 8 - Part of the cycle

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It's been a few weeks since the attack, one might say you've gone slightly off the rails.

You wake up, this isn't your room. There's a woman in the bed next to you, that would explain it. You quietly climb out of bed, and pick your clothes up off the floor. 

"Y/N, where are you going?" shit, you were so close.

"There's uh, a bank robbery. Yeah I have to go stop it, so sorry," you come up with a quick excuse, and grab your handbag.

"We'll do this again sometime," she says, and falls back to sleep. You close the door and get dressed swiftly. You take your keys off of the counter and slip out the front door.

"No we will not," you mumble to yourself. She was nice and all, but you don't like hooking up with the same person more than two or three times. It leads to feelings, it always leads to feelings. 

That was the good thing about Bucky, you could tell that he didn't like you in a romantic way. The bad thing was, you did start to like him. That's why you ended that, or tried to, which leads you to where you are now.

You make your way downstairs and out of the building, hopping on your Harley. You navigate your way through the city, stopping at a Starbucks for coffee. You need to wake yourself up, Stark said there's an 'important meeting' today.

You pull into the underground parking lot, and head upstairs to your room. You bump into Loki in the hall.



 You enter your room and pick out a new outfit. You have a shower and throw it on, washing your face and brushing your teeth quickly.

You walk into the meeting room, somehow you're actually on time. The whole team isn't here this time though, Thor, Clint, Bruce and Vision are missing.

"Alright guys, I've tracked down bases of agents scattered across the globe that weren't a part of this mission. Some of you are going to be going on missions, some will be individual ones for the smaller bases," Stark stands up and announces.

Please be you, please be you.

"Wanda, you and Pietro are heading to Moscow."

"Y/N, you're with Loki. You're going to Rome."

"Oh come on," you mumble.

"Nat, you're off to Amsterdam. Sam you're going to Singapore. Those are the missions, they've been specifically decided by FRIDAY as the most likely positive outcomes. The missions aren't for two days, so I expect you all to be on top form," Steve says sternly, putting emphasis on the last sentence. Well that felt targeted at you.

"Bets on them firing another missile at me?"

"I'd say it's about 50/50," Bucky quips.

"No, no, guys lets not make bets on that. These bases took weeks to find, they won't see you coming. As long as you're in and out quick, you'll be fine. So just don't screw around," Steve intervenes.

"Ok, we'll get back to you with further details later," Stark says, and the meeting comes to a close.

You head back to your room, changing into some training gear. You do need to up your fitness a bit before trying to take out an entire base with the puny god. You found out that nickname from Bruce, it's definitely sticking. 

You fill your water in the kitchen, and start wondering why FRIDAY would think you and Loki would have a successful outcome. You hate each other, and surely Tony would do a better job just blowing up the place. You walk into the training room, you haven't been in here in a while, immediately heading over to the fight simulator. You find that the best way to prepare for a fight, is fighting.

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