Chapter 10 - I'm not jealous

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The plane ride back was a silent one, not surprising to be honest. The two of you make your way off the aircraft and over to Tony's car.

Why the hell did you try to make him jealous on Halloween. And why did it work, you can't ignore the fact that he scoffed when you got with Bucky, clearly bothered by it. You hate each other, you've both made that very obvious, you do nothing but argue. You can't even have a conversation longer than a minute without fighting. 

You finally make it back to the tower, and take the elevator to the common floor.

"You're back," Thor immediately comes to greet you, pulling you both into a huge bear hug. This guy is very affectionate.

"Yup, and I also can't breathe," you say and Thor releases the two of you from the tight squeeze.

"My apologies Lady Y/N-"

"Thor you can just call me Y/N, you know," you walk over to the rest of the team who have been waiting for you to get back. Everyone else's mission was at the same time so that it was an unexpected attack, which also means everyone else got back last night. 

"So it looks like all the missions went well, Tony was able to track down Carla, her and Lance are both on the raft now," Steve tells the team.

"And I'm having a party to celebrate," Tony exclaims, and the team groans simultaneously. 

"What the hell guys, my parties are great," he says defensively.

"Sure, but you literally just had one a few weeks ago," Sam responds for the team.

"And I say the wait was a few weeks too long. This one is necessary, it's for publicity too. Now that the world knows that the Arnott's criminal empire has been dismantled, and Y/N's identity has been revealed, this one has to be done for the press," Stark elaborates. You spot Bruce sitting over in the kitchen.

"Hey Banner, Loki-" the god catches up to you and nudges you in the side. 

"I'm fine," he mumbles down to you.

"The fuck you are," you nudge him in the stomach and he grunts. That's what you thought. Bruce looks at the two of you expectantly.

"I got stabbed, and Y/N did stitches, but they're probably terrible so I'm going to need you to make sure it's fine," he explains to the doctor. That little bitch, your stitches were perfect.

"I need some of those fun little drugs too," you ask. Banner has been trying to combine his brains with the Hulk's brawn. Recently one of the formulas he came up with, although it didn't work for that, it has worked really well at speeding up recoveries from injuries.

"Don't say it like that, they're going to think I run a drug ring," Banner walks with the two of you to the lift and you make your way down to the lab.

"My bad, please give me pills," you quip.

"That's not any better," the scientist corrects you.

"That's why I said it."

Loki sits down and Bruce takes a look at him while you head over to the shelf where the tablets are.

"These are some neat stitches, there should barely be any kind of scar," Bruce says for the two of you to hear. You can tell Loki rolled his eyes without even having to look at him.

"You're welcome, although it's unfortunate, scars are hot," you comment, taking two of the pills and give the pair a wink as you make your way out of the lab. You head back upstairs and stop off in the kitchen for some water, bumping into Natasha.

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