Chapter 20 - We need to talk

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"Nepja is so gorgeous, it's honestly amazing how they can do so much with ice," you say as the two of you head back into your bedroom at the palace after your long trip.

"You know what's more gorg-" you quickly smack Loki on the back of the head.

"Finish that sentence, and prepare for that armour to be covered in vomit," you threaten, and he puts his hands up.

"I won't, alright," he surrenders, and you flop onto your bed, utterly exhausted.

"Darling are you going to sleep in that?" Loki questions as he gets ready for bed.

"Well I was hoping someone would help me take it off," you reply provocatively.

"I think I can offer some assistance with that," he says, unzipping the dress for you and slipping it off.

"Loki, wait," you turn around, getting a concerned reaction from the god.

"No don't worry, well maybe do worry. We need to talk," you say more seriously, Loki's expression only growing more troubled.

"What's wrong darling," he asks softly, getting in bed beside you.

"So we've been together for almost two months, and it's been great, really," you reassure him, calming him slightly.

"But, what about our future? I know you want to rule Jotunheim, it is your birthright," you share your concerns with him.

"It is, and I do," he replies, deep in thought, "What does this mean for us?"

"I don't know, we don't really have any options. Jotunheim is galaxies away, it's not like we can commute very easily," you respond, a somber expression on his face.

"You want to end this?" he inquires, his voice barely a whisper.

"Of course not, but what choice do we have. It's not realistic," you feel a lump in your throat, you had only just gotten him, and you already might have to let him go.

"No," he says bluntly, his sullen expression.

"What do you mean no? There's no other-"

"I love you," he states, "I am deeply, utterly, in love with you. So I mean no, we will find a solution."

You stare at him completely dumbfounded, unable to form a single word. You knew he cared for you, but this only makes it so much harder.

"Do you not feel the same way?" he questions, as you struggle to respond. You've never told anyone you love them, in your entire life.

"I-" your voice trails off.

"Just tell me," he asks faintly, his voice breaking slightly, met by silence from you. You simply can't speak, voicing your emotions has never been a strong suit of yours.

"I'll see you in the morning," he clears his throat as he stands up out of the bed, heading to the door.

"Loki wait," you jump out of the bed, and stand in front of the door blocking it. Damn it, you thought if you bought yourself time you would figure out what to say. You stare at him, maybe he can tell by your face? No that's ridiculous.

"Are you trying to torture me? Because it's working," he yells in frustration and anguish, turning away from you

"Loki, just give me a second, okay?" you cry back at him, and try to steady your breathing. You can do this.

"Alright, listen closely because I'm only going to say this once," you begin.

"All I think about every hour of every day is you. I miss you even when you so much as go to the bathroom. Every single dream, every vision I have had, they all revolve around you. The thought of losing you makes my heart physically ache in pain," you list, Loki turning back around to face you.

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