Chapter 16 - Unintentional Decisions

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You run through the meadow, giggling as you sprint away from the maid.

"You can run but you can't hide Princess Y/N, get back here," she shouts after you.

You reach the cliff edge, the water below glistening in the bright light of the sun. As you prepare to jump off into the lake, you get snatched backwards by the maid.

"You know how important today is Ingrid, now come on we have to get you ready. It's your mother's coronation day, for crying out loud."


You jolt awake in a cold sweat. Well that's new. You've never had any dreams other than the one on the battlefield.

You get dressed, and go over to Loki's room. As you're about to knock, you notice his breathing is quickened. Well thank god you didn't burst in, you turn around and head back to your room. Then, thanks to your heightened senses, you hear something else unexpected. Your name. You can't help but smirk as you head back to your room.

You sit down at your desk for a while, and investigate some more, still unable to find anything on who wants your head on a platter. You decide to compile a list of your worst enemies, a lot of them dead and having to be scratched off it. You're left with a full page of names, and you're going to have to go through all of them. 

You make your way back to Loki's room, knocking on his door.

"Hello sailor," you walk into his room, sitting down on the chair at his desk.

"Changed your mind?"

"Definitely not, I had another dream," you tell him, and he begins listening more intently.

"It was of Alfheim, and you were right. I'm Queen Aelsa's daughter," you explain, Loki sitting down on the bed in front of you.

"Well are you still set on staying here?" he asks.

"Not really, I mean there isn't much keeping me here. And I feel weirdly drawn to Alfheim, like I need to be there," you reply.

"I'm not going to go for another while though, I have some unfinished business here," you add.

"Stumped on your case?" he assumes.

"Yep, I have no clue who could possibly want me dead, there's too many options," you stand up, walking back to your room.

"Need some assistance?" Loki offers as you pick up your laptop.

"Actually, yes. I have to get this done quickly, and I guess you're one of the more competent members of the team. Come on then, time is of the essence" you gesture for him to follow you.

"In that case," he grabs you, teleporting the two of you to the parking lot. You feel nauseous every time he does that.

"Hop on," you get on one of your bikes, Loki sitting behind you, holding your waist tightly.

"Don't enjoy that too much," you tease before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" he questions.

"Oh right, to the first one on the list, Mila Fiere," you answer, as you speed down the street.

Eventually, you pull up to the large law firm, parking your bike.

"Does this Mila happen to own this building?" Loki signals to the large sign on the building saying 'Fiere Legal.'

"Very perceptive Loki, want a cookie," you say sarcastically as you walk in the lobby.

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