Chapter 4 - Blast from the past

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"Alright, this is going to be a much smaller mission. You're going into a poker game, and the guy you're trying to get information out of is Lance Arnott."

"Wait so, who's going in?" Sam asks. You know you're being sent in, you're basically a human lie-detector. Also the public doesn't actually know your face because of the mask in your suit, they call you Nightwarden. It took ages for Fury to find you.

"Y/N," shocker, "and Loki." Just great.

"You'll both have nano-tech ear pieces and body cameras, made by yours truly, that will go undetected by security. Parker will be telling you what you need to know about each person, and Steve will give the instructions," Tony explains.

"If you need help at any stage, tell us. Your goal is to get information, we aren't trying to start a fight," Steve emphasises this part, looking directly at you.

"I'm not going to start a fight," you assure him, but not so much yourself. You do tend to stir up trouble on missions, but it always ends up fine.


You look at the dress laid out on your bed that you have been given to wear. This isn't going to work, you need something different if you want to get a seat at the table. 

You pick a suit out of your wardrobe that you haven't got the chance to wear yet and slip on some louboutin stilettos. You hide multiple weapons made of vibranium, courtesy of Shuri, unrecognisable by metal detectors.

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You put on your chain and your most expensive jewellery. You choose a large pair of sunglasses to finish the look.

Loki's waiting in the hall, wearing a navy two-piece suit and tie.

You walk towards him and start undoing his tie.

"What are you doing," he snaps at you.

"You look like you work a 9-5, idiot, I'm making sure you'll be allowed in," you explain, and unbutton his shirt a third of the way.

"Perfect," you walk into the lift, and he follows you in. The two of you enter the meeting room. Tony fits the body cameras onto your suits and secures your ear pieces. Tony holds out a set of car keys, lamborghini keys.

"I'm driving," you take the keys eagerly and head back to the elevator. This is going to be fun.

You sit into the sleek jet black sports car, you could definitely get used to this.

"Come on Loki, we don't have all night," you say to the god, who gets into the passenger seat. You follow the sat-nav to the destination, holy shit this car is fast.

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