Chapter 9 - Crash Landing

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"Alright let's just get this over with," you walk onto the helipad and up the ramp of the quinjet.

"Oh good, you're just as excited as I am," Loki retorts scornfully. This is going to be a long flight.

You both sit in silence for the few hours.

"You are 20 minutes from your destination."

"Going out the night before a very important mission was a very-"

"Oh when did you become such a goody two-shoes. I heard you used to kill for fun, and now all of a sudden you care so much about people's lives? I'm not buying it," you interrupt him, it's not like going out affects you.

"I admit at one point in time, I didn't care about who got caught in the cross-fire. Now I do, and I think you should start taking things more seriously."

"Oh sorry, I was too busy not giving a shit to listen to you."

"You know what, I don't care what you do in your own time. That's your business, but can you not be such a bitch when we're meant to be working," he snaps at you.

"I'll stop being a bitch when you stop being an asshole," you shout back at him, slamming your hand down in frustration. The quinjet suddenly starts plummeting.

"What the fuck did you do?" he roars at you.

"I don't know, maybe if you would stop screaming at me I could figure it out," you spit back, and start looking around the control panel.

"Ok I think I took us off auto-pilot, do you know how to fly this thing?"


"Well can you figure it out?" 

"I can try," he starts manoeuvring the control panel, hitting different buttons. 

"It's going to be a bumpy landing, hold on," the quinjet crashes down in a forest, tossing you about. You look at the sat-nav, you're about 30 minutes out of Rome. You get out of the quinjet, it's completely totalled.

"Yeah, we're not getting back in this thing," you stand looking at the wreck.

"You think?" he replies annoyedly. He grabs your waist.

"Hey-" you shout at him.

"I'm teleporting us there smart-ass." he replies. Not this again. You feel light-headed and queasy, but look at that, you're in Rome. 

Loki casts an illusion over the two of you, making you look like two regular people. You both still look normal to each other. You quickly dial Tony on your phone.

"Hey Stark, how much trouble would I be in if I accidentally crashed the quinjet?"

"You what? Y/N, please tell me you aren't serious-"

"Yeah, no I'm just kidding."


"Ok bye." You hang up the phone quickly and keep walking through the city.

"Shockingly, we're actually early. And I'm starved, so I'm getting pizza," you spot a pizzeria down the street and make your way in. You come back out, pizza slice in hand.

"You don't want anything?"

"Y/N, just because we're early doesn't mean we should try out local cuisine."

"Ugh whatever happened to you being the god of mischief? Now you're like, the god of being a hard-ass." 

"Can we just go and get this over with?"

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