Chapter 13 - The Messy Truth

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You glance at your watch, it's just past midnight. You gulp down the scotch, leaving your throat tingling. You sit on the edge of the tall tower, staring out at the city, the sky illuminated by the lights of buildings and streets below. You suddenly hear footsteps approaching from behind.

"I come in peace," Loki says calmly, sitting down beside you.

"I'm officially eight hundred and twenty, although I think that might not count the years I spent in a cult," you shrug.

"In a what-"

"It's not relevant, anyway, what are you doing up here."

"I came to find you, FRIDAY told me where you were," he replies, that little rat of an AI.

"Happy birthday Y/N," he hands you a small wrapped package.

"You got me a present," you take the gift from him, and look at him confusedly.

"Why, are you surprised?" he scoffs.

"Frankly, yes," you respond, and tear off the paper, revealing an Asgardian book.

"It was one of my mother's favourites, although it's not quite my taste, I thought you may find it interesting," he explains as you inspect the book, and discover it's a romance novel.

"How is it-"

"In English? Well it was originally in Asgardian, but I placed a spell on it to translate it. Is something wrong?" he asks as you stare at the book.

"No, it's perfect. Thank you," you turn to the god, genuinely smiling for the first time tonight.

"It's the least I could do," he smiles warmly down at you. He begins moving closer to you, and you notice him leaning in.

"What the hell Loki," you slap him across the face, and stand up.

"I apologise Y/N, I wasn't-"

"Thinking? Clearly. You have a girlfriend for fuck's sake, and I already told you this is never going to happen," you pick up the book, and walk back over towards the exit.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be. Thank you for the gift, I will still be reading it. I'm going to pretend that, whatever that was, never happened. I assume you will do the same. Goodnight," you say sternly and make your way down the stairwell. What the hell was that, and why is your heart racing.

You rush back downstairs, into the deafening party. 

"There she is," Tony approaches you, and you immediately regret not going straight to your room. 

"Hey Stark, thanks for the party, it's been great. Now if you'll excuse me, I need a drink," you notice a waiter holding a tray of shots, and begin knocking back every single one.

"That's the spirit," he exclaims. That might not have been the wisest decision, but logic is kind of out the window right now.

You stumble through the crowd, maybe drinking enough shots for an entire football team wasn't the greatest idea. You have a high tolerance, but you're no super-soldier. Super-soldier, ooh Bucky.

"Where's Bucky?" you shout, and wander through the party calling out his name.

"I'm here, what you got there," he gestures to your book.

"Oh this, it's a present," you respond, your speech slurred.

"Have you considered maybe going to bed?" he suggests.

"With you? Yes," you flirt.

"Yeah, no. That's not happening tonight Y/N, let's get you to your room," you suddenly get lifted off the ground. After a few minutes, you feel yourself getting placed on a bed, your bed.

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