Chapter 2 - So predictable

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You get out of bed, early this morning. You have some newbies to break in. As you wash your face in the sink, you feel your stomach rumble. Right, big breakfast, you almost forgot. You throw on some workout gear, and style your hair for training.

 You throw on some workout gear, and style your hair for training

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You've never really enjoyed working out, but there's something about kicking someone's ass that always puts you in a good mood. You make your way to the kitchen, and heat up some leftovers from last night. 

"You ready for today?" Bucky walks in, grabbing a plum from the fruit bowl.

"Come on Buck, I'm always ready," you reply, feigning confidence. In all honesty, you weren't looking forward to sparring Thor with his whole lightning thing. Just because you heal quickly and have abnormally strong skin, doesn't make being zapped with millions of volts of electricity hurt any less. You eye up the super-soldier from across the counter, he looks good today, not that he doesn't every day.

"Hurry up, I want to watch you get your ass handed to you by Thor," you tease, filling up your water and heading over to the elevator.

"That's not going to happen, doll. Actually, never mind it probably is," he agrees, remembering that his opponent is a literal god. 

"It's not like you're going to fare up any better," he jokes.

"I wouldn't be so sure," you reply hitting the button. You aren't as strong as Thor, it doesn't take a genius to know that. The most important thing you use in battle isn't brute strength, you have to outsmart your opponent, it's like a chess match. The brute strength definitely helps a lot though.

The two of you walk into the training room, where most of the team has already gathered.

"So, who's up first," Thor booms. Tony and Bruce are noticeably absent from the sparring session, fair enough. Steve gets onto the training mat with Thor, whereas Nat begins sparring Loki. You study their different fighting styles, trying to decipher the best way to approach them. After a few fights, Wanda and Thor's was really something to behold, you step onto the mat feeling prepared to fight either of them.

"Don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to," you walk towards Thor, who's clearly taken aback by your words. You wait for the god to make the first move, he doesn't shy out of using electricity, knowing it won't injure you. Prepared for this, you deflect it using Cap's shield.

"When did she get that?" you hear Sam question from beside Bucky.

"Does it really matter," you shout, now engaging in more close combat with Thor.

You quickly notice him preparing to throw a punch, and duck, twisting his outstretched arm and flipping him over. He quickly gets back up, agitated this time. He sends multiple, very strong hits your way, and you block each one with a hand each time. He lands a particularly powerful one to your shoulder sending you flying back into the wall. 

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