Chapter 17 - Off to Alfheim

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"You're what?" Pietro shouts, and the rest of the team stare at you in shock.

"And you're leaving? Why didn't you tell us all of this sooner?" Natasha scolds and the team bombards you with questions.

"Guys, I know, I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I didn't want to leave yet. Now I've waited long enough, I have to go," you shush them, attempting to answer some of their questions.

"We're going to miss you Y/N," Steve says, patting your back.

"You were a great asset to the team indeed," Vision states, and you give him a nod of acknowledgement.

Wanda runs up to you, pulling you into a hug, the rest of the group following suit.

"I hate this," you comment as you get squeezed from all angles.

"We better get going," Thor announces to the team. You were already going with Loki, but Thor decided to tag along as well, saying he needed to visit Alfheim soon.

You get onto the quinjet with the brothers, Loki steering the way.

"Loki told me that you've both been to Alfheim before."

"Indeed, just the once though, when our father was helping Queen Aelsa rebuild after the massacre," Thor explains.

"We're almost there," Loki says to the two of you, cutting your conversation short.

"By there do you mean about to go directly into the Grand Canyon?" you ask as Loki only speeds up the jet.

"Don't worry he's done this before, right brother," Thor says, somehow completely carefree.

"Not this passage, no. But I think we're in the right place."

"You think?" you shout as the quinjet plummets straight towards the ground. You notice the small gap Loki is aiming for, you close your eyes hoping he was right. After not crashing like anticpated, you open your eyes.

"Well shit," you say under your breath as the quinjet skids on the ground, of Alfheim. You stare out the window at the meadow. It's the same one from your dream.

The three of you walk off the aircraft into the massive green field.

"Brother you've landed us in the middle of nowhere," you hear Thor and Loki bickering and continue walking ahead of them. You retrace your footsteps from the dream, making your way to the cliff edge. 

You peer down at the glistening lake below, which leads into a vast forest. You read about how civilisation mainly dwell in the forests nearby a river. You're definitely in the right place.

You look back at the Thor and Loki, still arguing to no surprise.

"Guys, come on," you yell over to them, and step backwards off the edge, diving down into the water beneath you. You swim out of the way, Thor cannonballing in, and Loki teleporting down.

You and Thor are now soaked, as you trudge through the forest alongside an agitated Loki. You follow the river leading downstream from the lake, pushing bushes and brambles out of your way.


"-udger. You have to watch your language here," Thor informs you and you nod.

"Noted," you reply, staring at the city. It's a lot less like a city, and more like some sort of magical paradise. The buildings are intertwined with the trees and vines, gold peeking through the gaps of the greenery. The ginormous roots and branches of the trees act as roads, bridges and pathways between structures.

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