Chapter 14 - Friends?

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You did the last bit of research last night, running 'Lilith' and Vivienne through your facial recognition software. It's her alright, you don't even need that to tell. You're sick of waiting, you're dealing with this today. You put on your suit and gear up, she did threaten to kill you after all.

"FRIDAY, I'm sending you a lot of information right now. Upload it to all your systems."

"Not a problem Y/N," the AI replies, and you upload in all of your research to her database. You decide going to Loki's room as all of this is aired might be a good idea. You knock on his door, wait he has company.

"YOU BITCH," okay never mind, the door flings open revealing an unhinged, fire demon, would be your guess.

"You know, somehow I don't think I'm the bitch in this circumstance," you sprint down the hall, if she wants to fight, it's not happening on your floor. You hear her chasing after you, and you lead her to the training room, where at least it's fire resistant.

"I told you to back off," she screams after you, fucking hell. 

"I don't really enjoy being told what to do," you turn and put up your hood, now in the training room. She starts throwing fiery blasts at you, which is clearly powered by her rage. You duck and evade each of them, until she sends a huge stream of flames, completely engulfing you.

"You know, that was kind of rude," you walk out of the fire, pulling your grappling hook from your belt. She continues throwing blast after blast at you, but to no avail. Once you're close enough, you fling out the wire of the hook, wrapping it around her hands and tying her to a pillar. She wails out, kicking and thrashing about.

You sit down on the ground, the fire itself might not have effected you, but those blasts sure do pack a punch. You notice Loki standing in the corner of the room, and glance over at him from your slumped position against the wall. He simply stares at Lilith, in a mix of shock and horror, until he turns to you.

"Y/N, are you alright?" he comes towards you, and you can tell he's still bewildered by what just happened.

"I'm fine, are you?" you look up at him, not really concerned about your own well-being right now. His 'sweet' girlfriend did just try to murder one of his friends. God, when did you become so sympathetic.

"Can you stand?" he ignores your question, and helps you up off the ground. 

"Like I said, I'm fine," you let go of him, reaching into you suit pocket for your phone, calling Fury.

You turn back to look at the psychotic woman, and explain the situation to Fury. You and Loki silently wait for SHIELD to arrive, who take her away. What do you even say to him in this situation, sorry dude but I was right the whole time and your girlfriend was a murderer. Probably not that.

"I should have listened to you, Light Elves are known for their instincts," Loki breaks the silence, as the two of you walk out of the now empty room. You consider teasing, and agreeing that you're always right, but decide against it.

"You couldn't have known Loki. I don't usually do a background check on every new person that comes into the tower, but she did threaten to kill me if I did any digging, which only made me more sure something was off," you explain to him.

"She what? When was this?" he stops walking and looks at you.

"Would you have believed me anyway? I did already express my distaste for her, and don't tell me you wouldn't have thought it was a ploy by me to get rid of her," you turn to him, and continue walking.

"Perhaps, but know that I'm sorry-"

"Loki, just stop it. I'm so sick of you saying sorry, it wasn't even your fault, and yet you're still apologising" you interrupt him, he's so overly polite sometimes.

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