A friend

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"-up, my love" George heard a soft motivated voice waking him up.

"Mhm?" he turned around and opened his eyes slowly, blinking to get used to the light.

There was a tall blonde man standing in front of him, smiling brightly.

George instantly smiled back and stretched out his arms in the direction of the bigger one.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" the blonde one leaned forwards and kissed the others forehead.

The smaller one giggled, pulling him closer to give him a kiss too.

"Sorry that I woke you up" he leaned back again slowely, standing in his position from before again.

"It's fine" George yawned and stretched himself after rubbing his eyes.

Dream let out a small giggle too, letting George blush a bit.

He still made him blush with these small gestures, even after being two years in a relationship.

"You're just so sweet" George looked away from Dream, after the blonde one said those words.

"And you're stupid" he murmured back at him.

Suddenly he felt someone falling into the bed, cuddling George from the side.

"Stupid, because I don't cuddle you 24/7" the blonde pressed a kiss against his cheek and grinned.

After a few minutes, he got up again, looking at his watch.

George tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you" he put a strand of hair out of his face "I need to pick up Drista from school, because she missed the bus" he laughed slightly.

George shook his head and giggled.

"Again?" he asked.

Dream nodded in response.

"So I'll need to pick her up and get her to her friends house" he added.

"Why her friends house?" George asked interested, because she usually just stays at her parents home.

"Group project, I guess" he looked at his watch again.

He went to George again, giving him a quick goodbye-kiss.

"I gotta go now. I'll be back soon" he went out of the bedroom and before he closed the front door, he shouted "I love you", just like always.

George smiled brightly.

He truly had the best life ever.

His soulmate is his fiancée, they both spend almost the whole day together, they have no problems and their families were accepting.

What else could he wish for?

He was literally the happiest person of the whole wide world.

After standing up and making himself ready, he began to feel pretty hungry.

If he would eat now though, he wouldn't be hungry at lunch anymore.

Well, maybe he should consider standing up earlier than usual.

He went into the kitchen and made himself half a sandwich.

Dream usually cooks for both of them, because he surely had no talent in the kitchen.

The blonde one was a good cook, to be honest, that's why it's always something special to George.

While waiting, he was scrolling through Twitter a little, trying to skip some time.

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