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As he looked into it, he immediately noticed a blue package in there.

The same package that he had seen in the store and wanted to point out to Dream.

"Is that... A coincidence?"

Some days passed after that happened and George continued making small gestures to get Dreams attention.

Sometimes it felt like Dream reacted to his touch, but it also could have been just a coincidence.

He tried to touch the blonde one, moved around things and even tried to blow air into his face once (which didn't work).

Today was rather boring and George wasn't able to get Dreams attention nor move anything in their home yet.

He was sitting on the couch, his head was resting on both of his arms.

Dream was in the kitchen, doing something George wasn't really interested in.

"I didn't think it would get boring that fast" George said to himself honest.

He was more than bored today and he couldn't even do anything else than watching the world around him.

Well, he could go out for a walk, but without Dream it would be boring.

He missed their stupid conversations while walking around in the streets.

Right as George wanted to lay down, he heard the doorbell ring.

He fastly sat himself up and glanced to the entrance.

It definitely got his interest now.

Well, honestly anything would have caught his interest today, as long as it wasn't boring.

He saw Dream coming out of the kitchen, going through his hair and opening the door afterwards.

"Hi" he said full of joy, apparently being happy to see the person outside.

'Who's that?' George moved his head around, trying to see who's on the other side of the door.

"Hey Dreamo" the voice of a girl greeted.

George's eyes lit up insantly and he stood up as fast as he could.

"Drista! Oh my, I thought you were Fiona" George moved to a corner in the living room, expecting them to enter soon.

He was happy about the sudden visit of Dream's sister.

"Don't want to let your little sister in, or?" Drista laughed.

"Oh, sorry" the blonde one answered and George heard footsteps coming closer.

He saw Dream enter first, who pointed at the couch.

"What do you want to drink? Coke? Water?" he asked his sister, who sat down on the couch.

"Mhm... Water" she answered quickly and her voice seemd as happy as always.

'I'm glad that she's still a sunshine' George smiled slightly and watched Dream leaving the room.

Drista looked across the room and was probably a little bored while Dream wasn't there.

As soon as he arrived again, he put down the glass of water and sat down next to Drista.

"You look better" Drista took a closer look at her big brother.

"Are you okay? Do you need help? Are you feeling better a little? You need to tell me if-" the blonde girl got interrupted by the other one.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry" he giggled.

"Well, GOOD. I was so worried, you can't imagine" she reached her hand into her bag right after and pulled out a small box.

'Ooh, what's that' George walked up to them and tried to take a look at it.

It was a small box of chocolate and a note with 'Take one when sad', obviously written by the girl.

"Aw, thanks" Dream accepted the gift gratefully.

"Nothing to thank for", she answered fastly, "is everything really fine?"

She had a worried expression on her face.

Dream nodded as an answer "Yeah, it's just so strange without George...".

He sighed and George listened silently, focusing on Dream's words.

"You know, he always was there with me. I woke up seeing his face, I saw his smile the whole day, heard his voice, his laugh and just everything about him made me happy... I just miss it. I miss him" he sighed, but smiled after a short break filled with silence.

"He always made me smile..." his expression changed shortly after.

It was sad and he looked to the ground.

"I just... I don't understand why he did that... I don't understand it" a single tear ran down his cheek.

George's mood changed from happy now too.

"I'm sure that it wasn't like that at all. He would've never done something like that" she gave him a little smile, trying to light him up a bit.

"You know, I'm a hundred percent sure that he watches you right now. I just know that he's always with you, wherever you are" she added in an ever softer tone.

'She's so caring... I never heard her speaking like that before. But she truly knows what to say in a moment like this... And she was right. I am  watching Dream, protecting him and giving him company" George was glad that someone finally told Dream something like that.

No cheating story, no bad words about him, just something to lift Dream up.

Dream smiled slightly, after Drista said that.

She clearly was sad that Dream was in a condition like this.

It's her big brother after all.

"Thank you..." he didn't look up yet, but was calmed down a bit by the kind words of the other.

She pulled Dream into a hug quickly after.

George felt hurt seeing both of them like that.

"... Do you think I wasn't enough?" he heard Dream mumble and the blonde one stopped hugging her.

His eyes were looking in the direction of his sister and his face looked hurt.

Drista looked confused about that sudden question and probably didn't understand at all, but answered after a few seconds.

"George loved you like he did no one else. He loved you the most, Dream. I'm really sure. He always talked about you, when we talked with each other. I don't think he lied about that" she stopped for a moment, but continued shortly after.

"I miss him too and it happend so unexpected. In my opinion, he was a really nice guy. I loved him too, I saw how he made you happy, and that made me happy" she added.

Dream didn't answer nor said anything to that.

George couldn't figure out what he could be thinking right now.

He just stayed completely silent.

~1081 words

Hi! Another chapter that fast? Yes.

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Hope you had a nice day! :)

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