Our love

493 21 10

It was the right desicion.

After all what had happened on the couch that night, George discussed his ghost being with Dream, who listened to everything closely.

"So you really pulled me back that day?" Dream asked surprised and looked like almost didn't believe George.

"Yeah! That was me. You stupidhead, you could've died" he shook his head and acted annoyed, laughing right afterwards.

"You saved my life? No way! That's so cool" his eyes sparked in excitement, he was apparently very happy because of that story.

"And Patches also meowed, because of me. She was the first one to see me" George proudly exclaimed.

"She's such a clever cat" Dream smiled at George and slightly closed his eyes.

They continued talking for a bit longer and it almost felt like before the accident of George.

It felt like the old times without any problems: No Fiona, no separation, just nothing that interrupted them.

George smiled brightly: He almost felt alive again.

It was the first time he actually was very happy, since he died.

And apparently, Dream felt the same too, that moment.

"I love you", George said to Dream, almost getting emotional because the blonde one is able to see him.

"I love you too, George", Dream answered and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Warm lips met his cold skin and he could feel his dry lips on his soft rosy cheek.

As Dream let go again, he smiled at him even brighter than before.

It was the right desicion.

They cuddled together for a bit of time, discussing even more things, that didn't make any sense.

"I swear to you, I really did that-", Dream said full of excitement, trying to make George believe him.

"... And what was the reason to sleep on your roof?", George giggled loudly, making the other giggle too.

"It's cool, why did we never try, you would know why I did it then", Dream cried out fake, not understanding how George never ever did that.

"Okay, okay", George stopped the conversation and continued after a short break filled with silence, "what should we do now?".

"Continue cuddle?", Dream asked with the expression of a toddler.

"Dream, the couch is comfy, but also kind of not", George whined and looked at Dream, releasing himself from his arms.

"And you also need sleep", he added quickly, sounding like a strict parent.

"I don't need any sleep right now, I rather just want to spend time with you, George", the blonde boy raised his eyebrows and looked at the other.

His face was screaming "please", but George knew that he should have gotten tired by now.

The brunette one shook his head.

"It's about 3 a.m. right now, sleep or we won't cuddle until you do", the brunette one stood up and looked down at Dream, who was wearing a lime green hoodie.

George knew it was the lime one, because it had a small hole next to the hood.

"Fine, fine", the bigger one sighed outloud and stood up too, now turning the roles, so George needed to look up slightly.

"Thanks", he got on his tippy-toes and gave him a fast kiss, heading into the bedroom shortly afterwards.

The blonde one followed him and as George turned around again, he smiled.

He probably was very happy too, because he could finally see his lost soulmate again...

"Wanna jump into the bed?", Dream looked at George with a smirk.

"Definititely", he smirked right back, causing both to laugh.

It was the right desicion.

After they had lots of fun and almost destroyed the bed completely, Dream really laid down to get some rest.

George cuddled the blonde one a bit, but decided, after a bit time had passed, that he should do something more interesting than that.

Not that he doesn't like to cuddle Dream, but he was sleeping right now and it just isn't the same.

He started to slowly get up, but Dream's arms were in his way.

'So clingy', George thought sarcastically.

Just as he was almost able to stand up, Dream moved a bit, causing the brunette one to look into his direction again.

As he did that, the blonde one moved his head up, looking at George confused.

"Hm? Mhhmhmhm", he mumbled, but George couldn't understand a thing.

"Pardon?", he whispered to Dream, which he just barely saw in the dark.

"Why are you standing up?", he repeated and slowly sat himself up, letting go of George.

George thought for a second.

"I'm bored", he answered truthfully and sighed.

"Then let's do something", Dream put his hand on George's cheek.

George startled shortly, because he didn't see his hand in the dark, but smiled as he felt Dream's touch again.

Oh, how did he miss that...

George went into his thoughts again.

"Hey, Dream?" he asked, being barely understandable, because he tried to be as silent as possible.

"Hm?" he answered shortly after.

"Where's Patches? I didn't see her somewhere around here", the brunette one whispered.

"Patches?", the other one shortly thought about it, also whispering, "Maybe she's asleep already?".

George shook his head, even though he didn't know why he did.

Then, he finally understood why.

"Oh oh", he whispered, "the door was open", George answered.

"Oh...", Dream was silent for a short moment.

George didn't know why the door was opened at all, but Patches surely made her way out of it.

"Well, she did that once already and came back fast, so we don't have to worry about that", Dream said and his mood was quiet happy, making George believe that instantly.

The blonde one pulled the brunette one into his arms.

"I love you, stupidhead. Patches, Drista and everyone you know does too", he gave George a soft kiss on his head.

"Also, what other ghost were you talking about?", Dream added in a serious tone.

George was silent for a short moment, because of how he said it, as the blonde one suddenly started to laugh.

Both of them giggled in each others arms, being happy for the first time again, after a long gap of separation.

~1062 words

Hi! I'm back again :)

I wonder what will happen next, haha.

I hope you had an amazing day and thank you so much for all your support! It really means a lot to me.

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