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"Then it's settled" he shrugged his shoulders and breathed out slowly.

"I'm going back to Dream. I'll get over everything. And after that, I can finally end all of it", George understood the task he gave himself quickly and made his way back to the place where his ghost-life began...

Their home.

He headed through the monotone streets, meanwhile the temperature was sinking the more time went by.

As soon as single teardrops fell down from the sky, George put the hood of his hoodie up and started to slowly run into the direction of his destination.

The brunette just wanted it to end now.

This was his main goal and only reason to go back there.

There was no other reason.

As he arrived in front of the familiar building, he stopped abruptly and looked at it for a short moment.

He sighed outloud, while doing so and a few thoughts were running through his mind.

"I really hope, that no one's home", the brunette one slowly walked through the open door and went to the main door of their home, taking a few small steps.

He looked at the door and instanly put his hand up to his forehead.

George had forgotten something more than important.

"I can't open doors myself! What should I do now?" he cried out annoyed by himself.

But it wasn't time to give up yet.

He hurried and tried to see if the brown door was at least a little bit open, but he didn't expect to actually have luck.

"Why is it like that?", he asked himself confused, but didn't mind at all, because it was pretty useful in a situation like that.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to get in there at all.

Before using a bit of his energy to open the door further, he thought about his plan again, trying not to mess anything up or get interrupted by his sad thoughts again.

"So... I'll get in, accept the fact that I am dead and then hop into the bathtub in hope to finally get out of this ghost state", George whispered to himself confident and wouldn't be surprised if that really would work out.

"Good. Sounds like it could work. I mean, I have to try to find out", he shurgged his shoulders and decided to not waste more time of thinking about stuff anymore.

He slowly opened the door and it was less exhausting than expected.

The more things he moved, the less exhausting and easier it got.

It was pitch-black almost everywhere when he entered, there was just the regular night-light in the kitchen shining slighty into the hallway.

Another small light source was coming from the living room, shining in a comfy and soft orange color.

"The one in the kitchen is usually on, but...", his head turned from the kitchen into the direction of the living room, where the other source was coming from.

It was probably the small desk lamp next to the sofa.

"I don't remember that we had an automatic light there at all", being interested, he made his way towards the small light source, which didn't even light up a big area at all.

He would have needed to go into the living room anyways, to reach his ex-bedroom and look at it one last time.

He also had decided before, to put his engagement ring on one of the bedsidetables.

He said that he will get over it in order to leave this ghost state, so he will let go of everything that holds him here still.

George stood in the door frame of the living room and could see the figure of someone laying on the couch, leaning with their back onto it.

He noticed pretty soon, that it was the blonde one, who he had mixed feelings about.

All of them were pretty negative right now for sure.

It's almost like he forgot everything they did together, back when he was alive.

But no, those memories just didn't matter to him anymore.

George is dead after all.

He moved slowly one foot in front of the other, making his way towards Dream slowly.

'At least I can say "Goodbye" properly, I guess' he thought, being kind of glad that he had found the blonde one napping on the couch.

He tried to be as quiet and careful as he could, not trying to risk any kind of reaction from the blonde one.

His messy dirty blond hair had single strands of hair that hung in his face.

He couldn't see much of his face because of the shadows, but that didn't matter right now anyways.

George decided to sit down next to him on the couch, in order to say his final 'Goodbye'.

The brunette one sat down and looked at Dream for a brief moment, finally getting to see the features kf his face in this position.

The napping one had his eyes closed and looked very...

Different, in some kind of way.

But George couldn't find a way to describe it.

Realizing that he has been staring, the brunette one looked into the opposite direction quickly, embarrassed of himself.

'Don't look at him like that, George!', he wanted to slap himself for that,

'Just say goodbye already, it isn't that hard to do', he agrued with himself.

He breathed in long and closed his eyes while calming himself down a little.

'You can do this', he assured himself, 'and after that, you can finally leave in peace'.

The brunette one tried to calm himself down a bit with those thoughts.

George was pretty nervous after all, who wouldn't be in that situation?

What if it works?

What happens after that?

What if nothing happens?

And a million more questions were running through his mind in that moment.

He breathed out now.

'I'm ready' he turned his head to Dream and was about to open his eyes, ready to do what has to be done, as he suddenly heard a more than familiar voice in his ears.

It sounded broken, sad and empty, but at the same time it also sounded happy, excited and glad about something.

That wasn't the thing that threw off George and made him open his eyes widely, no, it was the thing that the voice, coming from the tall boy in front of the brunette one, said to him.

"George?" both of their eyes connected with each other, not believing what they are seeing right now.

Meanwhile Dream's face was full of excitement and hope, George's on the other side was just filled with shock and confusion.


~1162 words

New chapter, yay! I hope you liked it. Any theories on what will happen next? :)

Thank you all for the kind (and funny) comments, by the way! I'm so happy to see you commenting on my fanfiction and it really makes my day.

Don't forget to drink enough!

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