Protecting you

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After a few seconds, George put his hand back and waited for the blonde one to exit the kitchen.

Before Dream finally did exit, he looked behind, but he didn't look back at Patches, no, he looked back into the direction where George was standing.

George's eyes widened, because of that sudden gesture.

It was in the middle of the night the day that happened and George was sitting next to Dream on the bed.

He still thought about what happened today.

"Maybe it was just a coincidence, but...", he thought to himself, "maybe he really felt my touch".

George turned into Dreams direction, and faced the back of the blonde one, who was sleeping peacefully.

The brunette was happy that he finally got some sleep.

"He really needs more sleep..." George spoke to himself, being worried about the bigger one.

He hasn't slept at all in the last nights, it was a wonder that he slept today, to be honest.

George felt that he was still sad and honestly, Dream looked almost empty since the accident happened.

Suddenly, the brunette one noticed the other one flinch, probably because of a nightmare.

He put his hand on Dreams head and rubbed it slightly, trying to calm him down.

George didn't know if it worked or if his nightmare just ended, but at least he was calmed down again.

Finally, the next day arrived and Dream got up slowly.

After some time passed and he was ready, George followed him to the front door.

"Where's he going?" George asked himself out of curiosity.

"Not to a date, right?" he raised his eyebrows and followed Dream through the doorframe.

After Dream locked the door and sighed outloud, George followed him outside.

The wind was blowing slightly and caused Dreams hair to be blown into his face, slightly.

George giggled and watched Dream putting the single strands of hair out of his face.

"Even though he looks really tired, he still is the prettiest human I've ever seen", the brunette smiled.

George followed Dream through the streets and was looking around a little too.

He felt like a little protector to Dream while following him around like that.

Both arrived at a crossroad, George has walked over there probably a hundred times already before.

As they got closer to the street, George's attention fully got drawn to Dream, who didn't even care about looking to the left and right before crossing.

"DREAM", George screamed the loudest he could, out of fear.

Everything happend in slow-motion.

Close to Dream was a car, which surely wouldn't have been able to stop fast enough to not crash right into Dream.

Even though he was dead, George felt his heartbeat stop completely and he reached out to grab Dream, who hasn't even noticed anything yet.

George barely reached Dreams sweater and pulled him back with the most strength he could.

He expected that it wouldn't work, but at least he needs to try and save him.

George's eyes widened, not only because the car was passing by in front of himself fastly...

No, also because George suceeded saving Dream.

The blonde one had been pulled back and was standing there in shock for a brief moment.

He turned around slowly, obviously confused and surprised, as he saw nothing but an empty street behind him.

He looked to the left and to the right, but of course he couldn't see George in front of him, who was shocked too.

George didn't move or breath, he just stood there, waiting for something to happen.

He saw the blonde one suddenly smile slightly.

'Why is he smiling?' George asked himself confused and didn't know what to do.

He just saw Dream moving his lips slightly.

"George" the brunette slowly formed the same word as Dream did seconds ago, realizing that he just mouthed his name.

His face lit up, but was still full of confusion.

"HE JUST SAID GEORGE" he shouted out of joy.

"MAYBE HE KNOWS THAT I AM HERE? MAYBE I CAN GIVE HIM A SIGN" George clapped his hands, being more than happy about what happened.

He instanly wanted to give Dream a sign and tried to hold Dreams hand, while he was continuing to walk wherever he wanted to go.

Sadly, the other one didn't notice at all, because it just didn't want to work.

"NOO, it would have been perfect" George cried out and sighed outloud.

After continuing walking right next to Dream, protecting him even more than before after what happened, they arrived at a supermarket.

George was relieved, that it wasn't a date location.

They both entered the supermarket and George stayed right next to Dream the whole time.

The blonde one pushed the trolley through the store and put in some basics that he needed after those days.

George looked around the supermarket too, trying to see what's for sale and things like that.

Suddenly, he noticed a pile big blue packages.

They had "DREAM" written all over there in a really pretty font.

"Dream, look! That's not a coincidence" he laughed, pulled Dreams sweater and pointed at the product.

"Dream! Looooook. It's your candy, look, it even has a blue background" he pulled again, trying to get the blonde ones attention.

"Stupidhead, look, you're ignori-" he looked at Dream, who showed no reaction, not even a slight one.

He was just looking at another package he held in his hand.

The brunettes joy faded from his face.

"Oh" George slowly let go of the sweater and his smile faded.

"Yeah... I forgot" he looked slightly to the ground.

George then, silently, followed Dream, not even looking up from the ground once.

He had mixed feelings, but most of all he felt... Down.

After Dream payed at put everything into his bags, George followed him outside.

Halfway, he got annoyed by the sound of something in the bag, he couldn't even tell what it was.

As he looked into it, he immediately noticed a blue package in there.

The same package that he had seen in the store and wanted to point out to Dream.

"Is that... A coincidence?"

~1057 words

30 reads on each chapter? H O W?

Anyways! I hope you liked it and let's have some action soon, hehe.

And remember to always stay hydrated!

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