Lonely Desicion

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Why would George care anymore?

Now she can have what she wanted.

It has gotten pretty late after George had talked with Tyler, so he decided to head somewhere else.

He wanted to be alone right now.

The brunette ghost strayed around the area and walked through some empty streets.

They looked quiet sad and depressed, because of the grey tone produced by the dark clouds, which caused them to seem even abbonded.

As soon as the morning arrives, people will spread across those streets and light them up again.

But that'll happen in a few hours or so.

After a long walk, he decided to take a break.

He has been walking for a quiet long time now, after all.

George stayed somewhere at a place he knew to be quiet and empty.

The absence of people would have made him feel frustrated back when he was alive, but right now that was just what he needed.

"Now I can have my peace" he let himself fall on a bench.

Even though he is a ghost, he felt exhausted and tired, especially when he moved things.

"Being a ghost is horrible" he mumbled to himself and closed his eyes while leaning back onto the bench.

His arms were crossed and his feet were touching the bricks under him.

Finally he can shut down and think about everything.

He still had a lot of questions to answer after all.

While listening to the sound of water coming from the small river under the bridge he was sitting on, he started to recall things and puzzled some of them together.

"So", he started thinking, "I died and came back here as a ghost after like... A month? More? Less? Something like that. No one can see me - and they can't hear me either.", George noted.

One of his eyebrows raised.

"But what's even the point of being a ghost?", he shook his head confused.

He really wanted to know more about it.

"Maybe that's afterlife? Or do I have business here, that I didn't finish?", he tried to think of possibilities.

"Well, I don't know", he shook his legs a little forwards and backwards.

His thoughts stayed a little silent after that.

A bit later his eyes got out of his trance again and he decided to look around with them a bit.

He regretted that, looking down to the floor shortly after, breathing out long.

Why did he even come here to rest?

It was their favorite place. He shouldn't be here at all.

He shook his head quickly.

"I should be here" he said outloud and moved his head upwards again.

"This is my favorite place. There is no our or us anymore" George was confident of his words.

With that confidence, he decided to stay here a bit - at least a few days of his ghost life.

So the days passed and passed, actually turning into more than expected.

There wasn't a day he hasn't been lonely.

It made him feel quiet empty, but he tried to shove that back as far as the boy he wanted to forget.

Most of the days he spent walking around and watching different people living their daily life.

Everytime he has seen a person with dirty blonde hair, he turned around and went into the opposite direction.

His sadness grew into anger, but he hasn't been that angry lately anymore.

"Why even feel something for something that isn't even worth a single thought?" he said to himself.

If he felt angry, it was a mixture of anger, jealousy and a bit of regret.

Most of his thoughts were like:

"He just forgot about me, I'll just forget him like he forgot me" or

"It's his fault, why even care about that guy" and he felt like he was right about that.

If he wants to make out with that stupid girl, he can.

And like every other day, it has gotten late again and the sun began to fade.

He went to the bridge again, his favorite place, which he always vistied alone.

George sat down on the bench and was exhausted from all the walking again.

He wondered if his body could change in this ghost form too.

The brunette looked to the sky, it was probably going to rain pretty soon.

Other than the days before he had felt sad today, without even a great reason.

He had felt like this before too, like about a week after he had arrived here at the bridge, but he had shaken it off back then.

But today it was different: It was much stronger.

George wondered why he had felt like that, but deep inside he knew he was thinking about it again.

Then something came across his mind:

"What if I am overreacting?" he looked slightly to the side when the light next to him suddenly turned on.

"Maybe Dream didn't like her at all and I just..." he raised his hope for nothing.

"No, actually no. I can't be stupid like that to think stuff like this. But I apparently can't cut these stupid memories off this way either", his voice was low and sounded moody, while he was speaking to himself.

"How can I get over that stupid thing? I've been out here for how long? About a month? More? Why can't I get over it already. Ugh", he groaned outloud and kicked a stone in front of him with his shoe.

"Maybe if I go back I can cut this thing. Maybe I can even erase my ghost self. It's getting boring anyways", George rolled his eyes and leaned back onto the bench.

The brunette one couldn't think of anything better.

"I think that's the best I can do now. And maybe if I get over my death and everything else, I can quit this dumb ghost-part of afterlife", he mumbled and fixed his hoodie, which was still the same as the one he wore when waking up in the bathtub.

"Then it's settled" he shrugged his shoulders and breathed out slowly.

"I'm going back to Dream. I'll get over everything. And after that, I can finally end all of it", George understood the task he gave himself quickly and made his way back to the place where his ghost-life began...

Their home.

~ 1121 words

Hi! I have a big exam soon and I still need to learn much, haha, whoops!

Anyways! Hope you liked this chapter! If you did, maybe consider voting and commenting.

If you like the story, you can also check out my other one, "Future Me"! It's DNF too :)!

Have a nice day!

(If you have any questions, feel free to ask!)

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