Someone at the door

451 17 11

Both of them giggled in each others arms, being happy for the first time again, after a long gap of separation. 

George was almost shining brighter than the sun, because of the big smile on his face.

After some time and days, both of each other had gotten fully comfortable with each other again and they spent all their time together.

George didn't only explain all ghost things he knew about, but also told Dream a lot of things he didn't get to say to him before he died.

Dream was still pretty emotional, especially when he told him how much he loved him and how he expected their marriage to be, but he always smiled at George, which made him happy.

He was so strong.

George once brought up a specific topic, which probably was pretty important.

"Dream, why do you think you can see me?", George asked curios, meanwhile Dream came back from the kitchen.

He probably has been eating or something like that.

The blonde one, as far as George noticed, barely has eaten something lately, but at least a bit.

He should go to the supermarket soon, or else he'd run out of food sooner or later.

"I don't know...", he shrugged his shoulders and kissed George on his forehead, which caused the brunette one to smile.

"Hmm... ", he thought and remembered after some time, "...well, another ghost told me something about it. Maybe that's actually the solution?", the smaller one suggested and looked up slightly to the other.

"And what would that be?", Dream asked confused, but he was more than interested listening to George.

"But it's possible to be seen by humans", he added fastly to George's last sentence.

"What?" he asked in disbelief, but wasn't showing much reaction or emotions to it, other than slightly tilting his head forwards.

"He told me, that a living person once saw him. It was his boyfriend, as far as I can remember. He suggested, that it could have been because of their connection together, you know, because he really wanted to see him that moment", George continued and thought about it for a short second.

"But I doubt that's the reason...", he added shortly after.

The blonde one nodded.

"Maybe it's because you've gained another ability? You've moved things before and you even got to make light, you know?", he answered George, apparently trying his best to find out the reason.

"Good idea!", the brunette one kissed him shortly, while standing on his tippy-toes.

"Maybe that's actually it. That would make a lot sense...", the smaller one added happily, believing that it's probably the reason.

Or at least something like that.

Later on, when they were laying on the couch together, cuddling under a blanket that they have found in a big wardrobe, they moved to another topic.

"Dream?", George asked almost whispering, not sure if the other one was asleep already, "Do you think that... I can be revived?".

The blonde one was silent for a moment, but moved a bit.

He probably was thinking about an answer right now.

"Maybe", Dream said careful and slowly, "...if seeing you is possible and ghosts like that really exist... then why shouldn't it be?", he turned to George and cuddled him tighter, making him feel safe.

"Mhm", George cuddled deeper into his arms, feeling the warmth of the blanket filling his body.

"We can try and find out about it later, okay?", Dream suggested and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, causing George to instantly give one back.

"That sounds great", he smiled and answered.

'If it's really possible...', he thought about all the possibilities of an outcome.

'Well, we will see... Maybe there's a book in the library that can help', he closed his eyes and decided to relax a little in his fiancée's arms.

Today, George and Dream decided to stay at home again and talk a bit, have fun and do other stuff.

George has practiced his skills before and Dream has been alone in another room for quiet a while, probably fixing some stuff or just cleaning the room.

Now both were in the living room, standing there, because George accidentally stopped Dream on his way somewhere.

"And then, I swear, you won't believe it, she-", George wanted to continue his story, as his voice suddenly got cut off.

Well, it didn't really get cut off, but he heard the sound of a door crack open.

Dream and Patches were still both in the same room and position, just as the brunette one, so who was opening the front door right now?

He looked into Dream's direction, who was looking at George too.

The brunette one kept looking at Dream, as confused as him, but suddenly the bigger one turned his face into the other direction again, widening his eyes slowly.

"Oh, I forgot something, be right back", he said fastly and hurried into the bedroom.

"Dre-? What are you doing?", the smaller one asked confused, but Dream was already too far away to hear.


George looked at Patches, but she was just focused at the door.

'Should I go and look who's there? Why would someone just enter and not even think about knocking or getting any kind of permission to get in? Weird', he raised one eyebrow and decided to stay there for a while, being a bit careful about what he does next.

The brunette one heard a voice calling his name, which got louder and louder each call.

It was a loud whisper, but as George finally understood his name the first time, he followed the calls coming from the bedroom.

He opened the door and closed it softly again, trying not to make too much sound.

"What's wrong?", the brunette one asked quietly, but didn't see anyone in the room.

"Can you help me for a moment?", Dream asked behind him, which would have caused George to get a heart attack if he would have been alive.

"Dream! Stop that. What do you need?", he mumbled confused and almost whispered.

"Can you give me my green hoodie, meanwhile I search for something? I don't want to destroy the one I'm wearing later, when I'm working at the air conditioning", the blonde one asked softly.

"Uh, sure?", he answered and it sounded more like a question.

While Dream went somewhere else, George got to the wardrobe and opened it.

Even though he's colorblind, George found the hoodie pretty fast.

The wardrobe was pretty messy, so he had to move things a bit, before getting it out.

He heard footsteps in front of the door passing by, while he pulled out the said hoodie and held it in his hands.

Being interested in who it could be, he decided to put the hoodie on the bed and investigate a little.

And so he went in front of the door and opened it carefully, trying not to make a single sound.

Meanwhile he did that, Dream was nowhere to be found.

~ 1230 words

Well, hello! It's december already, wow. That was fast. I hope you had a nice 2nd december!

This fanfiction is coming to an end soon too, I think. I could make it longer though, I'll let you decide.

And: My other fanfiction will get a sequel soon! Check it out, if you haven't already :)

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