Right here

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He shouldn't be mad at Dream.

But he definitely should be mad at the girl cuddling him right now.

"She has no right to push me away from Dream at first, lie about me to him and then try to get closer to Dream. Literally anyone else than her should be in that position she is right now" he added to his own thoughts.

And suddenly, a plan crossed his mind.

Well, it wasn't the best plan, but it definitely was a plan.

At least he would be able to stop them from getting any closer right now and that's what mattered currently.

He followed the plan he made in his mind before quickly, making his way into the bedroom.

The bedroom was connected to the living room and the door that separated these two rooms was almost opened the whole time.

Why closing it anyways, when they literally shared the room and lived together without anyone else there?

The fact that the door was opened like always was perfect for the plan.

George looked across the room and tried to find something specific.

His eyes spotted a picture frame on the bedsite table at Dream's bedside.

"I don't remember that it stood there before... Anyways, that's perfect" he smiled and walked up to it.

He grabbed the picture frame and looked at the picture in it, recalling a special memory from back then.

George smiled brightly.

The picture showed Dream and George standing close next to each other, holding each others hand.

George was smiling brightly on that picture, Dream was on the other side giggling slightly.

The brunettes hair looked messy on there, he asked himself why Dream didn't tell him anything about it back then.

"That was the day we first kissed... We took that picture a few hours before it happened. I didn't have a clue that he would kiss me that day, but it made my life perfect for sure" he smiled all over his face, thinking back to this day.

"We confessed our love to each other somewhere on a small bridge above a river. There was a bench on there too. No one was there besides us. That moment was truly magical..." he remembered every single detail of it, this memory was truly one of the best memories he ever had.

"That was the same bridge he asked me..." the brunette one giggled thinking back to it.

"Anyways..." he took a last look at the picture.

Suddenly, he even started giggling more.

"That sweet stupidhead was even blushing on the picture and I never noticed it. Blind out of love, I guess..."

George shook his memories and thoughts off his mind quickly again.

He needs to do something about the current situation, after all.

Or better said: George should try to do something about it.

"I really hope that works" he lifted up the frame as far as he could, took a break and...


He threw the frame on the floor, causing it to shatter and break.

George flinched a little too and lifted his arms a little while doing so.

After a few seconds, he took a glare into the living room, hoping to get a reaction.

He couldn't see in it at all, that's why he waited a little.

As he wanted to move closer to the door to see if they even heard it, Dream entered the room, causing George to stop.

"It worked" he smiled and watched Dream observing the scene in front of him.

The blonde one let out a tired sigh and picked up all the glass parts to put them to the side.

As he had cleaned up the mess, he picked up the picture, looking at it for moment.

George thought that he had imagined the tear running down the bigger ones cheek for a moment, but realized soon, that it wasn't his imagination.

The brunette one felt more than bad about that and he was feeling sorry that he had just reminded Dream again.

"Sorry" he whispered and sighed outloud.

He knew that Dream couldn't hear that, but he just had to apologize.

George saw, that the blonde one was lying the picture on his bedside table again.

As he turned around and faced George again, he had more tears falling down his face, but didn't make a sound.

George felt even worse after seeing that.

"I really didn't mean to make you sad, my love..." he looked at Dream, feeling guilty about how the other one was feeling currently.

Dream whiped his tears away with one of his sleeves and started to slowly make his way into the living room again.

George didn't know why he did the next action, but it was probably out of a reflex.

As Dream passed him, he turned around and reached out for him.

He didn't want him to go away.

He didn't know why, but he just didn't want him to leave yet.

He touched Dream slightly and suddenly, he stopped instantly.

George pulled back his hand again, trying to understand what had just happened.

"Did he feel it?" he asked himself, hoping to get a "yes" as answer.

Dream stood still for a moment and George waited for an answer to his question.

He even bit his lip a little, that moment.

After the blonde one hadn't moved in any way for a few seconds, he suddenly started walking slowly again, without taking even a glare back into the direction of George.

George was a little disappointed.

He really had hoped that Dream would have felt his touch, but he apparently didn't.


At least the plan had worked well and was successful.

And now George even knew, that he can move things, causing people to even notice it.

The brunette one looked after his fiancée, who was walking into the loving room again.

There was still some hope that he would turn around and give him at least a small sign that he had felt his touch...

~1098 words

I love cliffhangers, honestly. Also: Thank you all for the positive feedback! That's literally so nice of you :)

I don't know how long the story should be, but before writing it, I had actually planned to make it shorter than the last one (way shorter). We'll see :D

Also: There was a hidden secret connected to my other story in this chapter. I wonder if someone will find it, haha.

Again, it would be nice of you if you would vote or comment.

Thank you all and don't forget to stay hydrated!

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