Hurting you

522 22 14

"George?" both of their eyes connected with each other, not believing what they are seeing right now.

Meanwhile Dream's face was full of excitement and hope, George's on the other side was just filled with shock and confusion.


He stared at Dream, his face was full of disbelief.

The blonde one was silent for a brief moment, but after a while his emotions grew even more.

"George!" he screamed and held his hands in front of his mouth.

George furrowed his eyebrows and mustered the other one while his thoughts were too much to comprehend.

The dirty blonde one looked almost perfect, his eyes had a spark in them, his skin looked healthy and his eyebags from before George left were gone.

"You're here" Dream's voice was high, because of how suprised he was.

He moved his hands from his mouth and put them appart again.

Dream wanted to lean in to give the brunette one a big hug, but George leaned back slightly, avoiding the others touch.

The blonde one put his hands slowly down again, giving George a confused look.

George opened his mouth slightly, wanting to speak, before he got into his normal sitting position again.

"Don't do that", the smaller one said in an upset tone, causing Dream to tilt his head a little to the side, confused.

George gave him an angry look, which caused Dream's face to look hurt.

There was a short silence after that and Dream seemed to be in his thoughts for a moment.

After that, he spoke up again, this time his voice was noticably more quiet.

"George, you're he-", he started and looked at the other one with a smile, who just gave him a death stare.

"Yeah", George interrupted, "and I will leave soon again".

He shook his head in annoyance and Dream put his hand slightly up.

The blonde one probably wanted to lay his hand on George's shoulder, like he always did back when he was alive, but he hesitated and left it in that postition before putting it down again.

While Dream had been doing this, George has watched every single move of him and one small detail made him even more upset than he already was.

"Why are you wearing that ring?" George pulled Dreams hand closer and held it up in front of his face.

His green eyes looked around in confusion, switching between George and the ring.

George tightened his grip a bit, before finally letting go.

The blonde one laid his hand on his lap.

'Oh, either he forgot to get it off, wants to be disrespectful or he got engaged with Fiona' he sighed outloud, bothered by the fact that Dream still didn't answer.

"Again, why are you wearing that ring?" he said confident and louder than before, causing Dream to look down slightly.

"Oh" the dirty blonde one mumbled.

George waited for an answer.

He needs to know.

He wasn't happy to see Dream anymore at all and not even glad to be seen by him.

It would have been better to be still just pure air to him.

George tapped with his finger on the couch, but he didn't notice that he did that at all.

He just noticed how Dreams face slowly got red.

His fluffy hair was hiding most of his face, because he was looking down at the ring.

Now George was the one being confused, but he just waited for an answer right now.

Suddenly, Dream lifted his head, looking George with his shiny green eyes into his own, connecting both of them.

Tears were falling down his cheeks, his mouth was dry and his eyes glassy.

George got hit by a lot of emotions, it felt like he got driven over by a train full of emotions.

His chest started to hurt, his eyebrows furrowed out of compassion.

"I'm sorry" Dream whispered and almost couldn't get that sentence out of his mouth.

His fists were balled together and he tried his best to stay silent.

George closed his eyes for a moment.

It really hurt to see Dream like that.

If George would try to leave now, he couldn't, that's why he decided to do something different.

He reached out his hands to the blonde one who had tears streaming down his face and pulled him into his chest.

That's when Dream started to cry outloud, letting out all the pain that he had kept in him.

"Shh", George rubbed his back a little to comfort him and tried his best to hold back his own tears.

It stung a lot.

George felt Dream grabbing his hoodie with his hands, sobbing loudly.

George's heart was breaking and he felt guilty about what he had done.

Maybe he shouldn't have been that careless and angry at him, and should have given him a chance to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, Dream" George's voice wasn't steady, but he didn't cry yet, he had to comfort the one in his arms after all.

George looked down to the other one, who raised his head and looked back at him.

"George, I", he sobbed a bit quieter than before and wanted to continue his sentence slowly.

"Dream, shh... I'm here", the brunette ones stomach turned around in circles, at least that's what it felt like currently.

George pulled him closer and held him tighter, trying his best to calm the other one down a bit.

Dream let out a few sobs, but after a bit he went silent again, staying in that position for a while.

"Is everything okay again?" George asked worried, hoping to not say anything wrong.

"Yes... I'm okay again" he rubbed his eyes a bit and sounded tired.

He was probably overwhelmed by this whole situation.

George wondered though, why he was acting like that after the ring question.

He surely didn't want to ask Dream after a situation like this about it, but maybe he'll come to a conclusion or answer of the question later.

Right now he needs to concentrate on other things for a bit.

Dream got out of George's arms and the brunette one carefully but his arms on his own legs again, letting them rest there.

He smiled at Dream, trying to light him up a little with that action.

The other one weakly smiled back, but the smile soon dissapeared.

"George... I messed up" the dirty blonde boy looked to the side, not daring to look into the others eyes.

~ 1146 words

I love cliffhangers. Sorry not sorry!

Thank you so much for the many comments on the last chapter :'( That was so sweet, thank you so much!

If you have any questions, suggestions, theories or anything else, don't be shy to write them :) I love seeing stuff like that!

Have an amazing day and don't forget to take care of yourself!

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