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George was standing there in his light blue wedding gown, right in front of the man of his dreams.

He tried his best to hold his happy tears back.

Today was the day, after all.

The blonde one looked stunning, well to be honest, he always looks amazing in George's opinion.

Both of them had a big smile all over their faces since they woke up this morning and were ready to say that one important word now.


George woke up and felt like he had just had the best and most relaxing sleep of his whole life.

He stretched his arms a little, after he rubbed his eyes.

As he opened them, he was quiet surprised where he was.

It wasn't his side of the bed as usual.

Well, he wasn't even in the bed.

"The... bathtub?" he had a big questionmark in his face.

"What am I doing in the bathtub?" the brunette one asked himself aloud, looking around confused.

The bathtub wasn't filled and he even noticed, that he wore a full outfit too.

"I'm wearing Dreams Hoodie? When did I dress up like that and why am I literally in the bathtub?" he was more than confused and got out of the bathtub as fast as he could.

"What happened?" the brunette rubbed his forehead with one hand, trying to remember how he got into this situation.

After some time he shrugged his shoulders.

He looked at himself in the mirror to check up on himself before going out of the bathroom.

George wore his favorite outfit today: Dream's comfy hoodie, which he adored to wear, his blue T-shirt he got gifted by the blonde one and comfy blue pants.

The only thing that felt off was his hair, which was a little messy, but well, minutes ago he had been asleep.

He fixed his hair and went outside afterwards.

George walked around in confusion, something felt off and weird, but he couldn't tell if it was just the bathtub thing or something else.

Suddenly, he heard someone's cry.

"Huh? Who's that? Dream?" he hurried into the living room, instantly noticing the blonde boy sitting in front of the couch on the floor.

He held his feet to his chest and had put his arms into his face.

Dream's breathing was fast and unsteady, he was definitely crying.

It broke George's heart to just even hear it.

'Why is he crying?' he thought to himself, being confused and felt bad about the situation.

He felt a pain in his chest, as Dream wiped his tears away and couldn't stop letting his emotions out.

George immediately got out of his trance and moved fastly to the blonde one, who was definitely in pain right now.

The brunette loves his fiancée and right now he needs help.

As much as he wanted to know what's wrong, he needed to help him first and calm him down: Make him happy again.

If Dream isn't happy, then George can't be happy either.

Suddenly George stopped at the half, noticing something else about that scene.

There was a picture laying right next to him.

'That's... That's when we were in Disneyland...' he started to run to Dream.

He fell onto his knees and leaned in for a hug.


It didn't work.

George looked at his hands.

"What?" he whispered to himself, trying to hold Dreams hand, but it didn't work.

He was confused... again.

"What is this? A dream?" he looked around in confusion, then at Dream again.

"Dream?" George suddenly heard a high pitched voice scream from another room.

Dream showed no reaction and still had his head placed onto his knees.

'What is Fiona doing here?' George stood up and looked into the direction the voice came from before.

A girl walked into the room, she had a cup of tea and some cookies with her.

She didn't look at George, it felt like he was just air for both of them right now and he definitely didn't enjoy that.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, Dreamy" she smiled softly and put one hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault" she said and the blonde one looked up to her after saying that.

"... he cheated on you, after all. Didn't you see the make-up of the woman he cheated with on you?" she put the cup into Dreams hands.

"He was a cheater, Dream. You shouldn't cry that long for a guy like him. He doesn't deserve that" her voice was scary and George stood there with his eyes wide open, while Dream sipped out of his mug slowly.

'What. Did. She. Say' he couldn't believe what he just heard.

'I cheated? I CHEATED?' he crossed his arms in disbelief.

What is this girl telling Dream?

He didn't do anything, why would he?

George literally had the best life and now she's going to destroy it? Surely not.

The brunette looked at her, definitely not being in a good mood at all.

He was upset now. Very upset.

George still didn't know what was going on, why Dream was so sad and why she is telling him so much filthy lies, but he definitely knew that this girl was evil and needs to be stopped from breaking their relationship.

"I swear, if you continue telling Dream those lies-" he looked her in the eyes, but she looked at Dream again afterwards, giving the blonde one her full attention.

He really was just air for them, huh?

The brown eyed shook his head and thought about this again.

Maybe he will wake up from his bad dream soon.

Even though this one seemed and felt so real...

Suddenly... He understood and remembered.

It was her lipstick.

Dream wasn't cheating with her in any way, which was obvious now.

It all was her plan all along.

Fiona had placed the lipstick there, didn't she?

She visited George, wearing that exact lipstick and being dressed nicely, "planned" to have time with Dream and made George jealous on purpose.

Before that, she had placed that lipstick in the bathroom somewhen and then George went to have a bath, because "Dream" told him to do so...

He was jealous when he saw that lipstick and was so angry that he even punched the bathtub.

And after that... He...

"Oh" he was standing completely still now, realizing what had happened before he woke up today.

~1106 words

Well well! Hello :)

Kind of a rushed chapter, but it was late and I want to sleep right now. Haha.

Comment and Vote, maybe? It would help me out :)!!!

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