Moving on

473 23 18

"Just let them live their life" George said to himself quietly.

"I can't change anything anymore" he added in a lower voice.

He stood up slowly from the bench, his feet were aching from the position he had been sitting in for hours.

"It's over, Dream. We're over. Do what you want now" the brunette one said emotionless and walked away from the bench. 

His feet dragged him slowly across the park, bringing him in front of the entrance of the graveyard.

George wasn't really interested going there, but he could take the way through it, to get to the other side a bit faster.

The brunettes feet were aching and burning, that's why he decided to go somewhere where he could at least stay a little.

It should be definitely more comfortable than the bench in the park.

He entered the graveyard slowly and a cold ran down his spine.

George didn't like being here at all, it felt so scary to be here, especially all alone.

It didn't get less scary when a sudden thought crossed his mind.

"What if I lie here somewhere?" his eyes were scanning the area slowly, but he promised himself to not read the names written on the gravestones.

If he did - and actually saw his name accidentally - he definitely would have been creeped out.

He started to walk along the path out of stone to the middle of the graveyard.

There was a small stone-fountain, which apparently never has got cleaned lately at all.

At first it seemed like there wasn't even a single soul visitng a deceased loved one currently, but as soon as George noticed a big tree in one of the corners, he saw a person standing next to it.

Right as he wanted to continue his way to the other side, someone tapped on his shoulder.

George made a little jump and screamed slightly, turning around fastly.

"Woah", his heart was beating way faster than before now.

"Oh my god" George breathed out to calm down and held his hand to his chest.

"Sorry, are you okay?" in front of him stood a blonde male with dark green eyes, having an apologetic look on his face.

"Y-yes", he stuttered as an answer and tried to calm down again, putting his hand down right after.

"Sorry for scaring you", the other one laughed slightly and scratched the back of his head while doing so.

"Nothing to be sorry fo-" the brunette smiled and wanted to answer, but noticed something odd right after.

"Wait, you can see me?" George asked surprised.

'How can he see me? I'm dead. A ghost. What?' he tried to overplay his confusion that he had on his face with a smile.

The other one raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm, yes?", he smiled back at George awkwardly, "I'm pretty sure that I can", the blonde one giggled afterwards.

He was pretty big and looked really friendly, at least that was George's first expression.

He roughly reminded George a little bit of Dream, but only thinking about that guy made him angry now.

'No time to think about him', George rolled his eyes.

He shoved his thoughts way back into his mind again and continued smiling.

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