Last moments

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After finishing their ice-creams, all of them decided to head home again.

While walking back there, the brunette girl had pushed George away from Dream the whole time and dragged his whole attention to herself.

She tried to give George not even a chance to get close to his fiancée the whole way back.

And she suceeded.

George just walked behind them, trying not to look at both.

'Ugh' he rolled his eyes and breathed loudly.

It made him really upset, but she was a good friend of Dream and they just have met each other after some time again, so maybe she is just super excited?

As they finally came home, George was relieved to finally have time with Dream again, he already missed it.

There was just one big problem: Dream didn't say goodbye to her and she didn't seem like she wanted to leave either.

They entered the living room one by one, the brunette boy being the last one to enter.

"Dream?" George asked the blonde confused.

Dream turned around and George could read the question mark in his expression.

"Uhm. I'm just hungry right now..." he tried to explain and hoped that they would say goodbye to each other quick now.

"Oh, there should be something in the fridge left, but I can-" the other one got cut off by a female voice.

It belonged to Fiona, who was ready sitting on the couch.

'Great' he rolled his eyes and the girl definitely saw it, smiling brightly over her whole face now.

"I can make it myself" he mumbled annoyed and rushed out of the living room into the kitchen close by.

After making himself angrily a sandwich and thinking about the fact that she definitely hated their relationship, he went back again.

As he stood in front of the living room, he overheard their conversation.

"I swear, you're as sweet as sugar" Fiona exclaimed in her high pitched voice.

Dream giggled.

"You're so stupid, Finny" he shook his head.

At least they kept distance on the couch, but George was definitely more than upset.

If she wanted to reach that, then she definitely did now.

He can play this game too, if she really wants that.

George made his way towards them and placed the plate on the table.

He looked at Dream and smiled, opened his arms and sat on his lap to cuddle him.

After a few kisses, he grabbed the plate and started to eat his sandwich on his fiancée.

Fiona's face was full of jealousy and George was sure now, that she learned her lesson.

Dream is his fiancée.

The next day, Dream and George planned to go on a date.

Well, they had planned it already a few days ago and wanted to make it really sweet.
Shortly before the date, Dream had told that "Finny" needs help and that he'll be back soon, which of course George didn't like to hear at all.

"No, please don't go, we still need to prepare everything" George whined.

"But she needs help with something, my love" he told him kindly and kissed him on the forehead afterwards.

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