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He was jealous when he saw that lipstick and was so angry that he even punched the bathtub.

And after that... He...

"Oh" he was standing completely still now, realizing what had happened before he woke up today.

George just stood there for a moment, completely forgetting his anger.

"Usually, I'm a positive thinker and also a very positive kind of a person... but this feels too real to be a dream" he whispered to himself.

The others still ignored him meanwhile.

"So... It has to be option two then..." he looked at both of them, accepting the conclusion he just drew.

Fiona was rubbing her hand on Dreams back, trying to comfort the one who was still sitting on the floor.

Luckily, the blonde one wasn't crying anymore.

He just had his eyes closed and was completely silent.

Dream never really was like that, so it was new to see the usual always happy Dream down like that.

The brunette looked to the ground, feeling guilty about the whole situation, even though he didn't mean to make Dream cry.

He was sad about the fact that he couldn't help Dream like this.

"I can just watch him having the worst time of his life... I can't help him in any way" George breathed out.

"I wish it's just a dream... But it makes more sense that I'm..." he took a deep breath "... dead" and exhaled.

It was the truth.

It makes way more sense than anything else, sadly.

He never had imagined that afterlife would look like this, honestly.

George thought it would be more... Happy.

Maybe even relieving, relaxing or just emptiness.

But this was anything else than happy or relieving.

It's definitely not in any way postitive, that you can just watch your loved ones the whole time being sad about your death and not being able to even help them.

George still looked to the ground and walked to the other end of the living room.

He wanted to check the date to see how much time he had been in the sleep-like-state before he had woken up.

The brunette one had guessed that it had happened probably some days ago, but he was to his surprise actually wrong.

As he looked at the calendar, he noticed that it hadn't been a few days, no, it had been a whole month already since he died.

"Great..." he thought to himself and didn't know how to feel about it.

With these mixed feelings and thoughts what he could have missed meanwhile, he went back to his spot he was standing before and decided to watch the other ones a little.

He noticed how close Fiona has gotten to Dreams face while he had been away and he definitely didn't enjoy looking at that scene.

His anger built up again, after he finally remembered the "cheating" story from before again.

"So she just wanted to get closer to him? Basically that's it, isn't it?" he shook his head fastly.

On first sight, Fiona seemed pretty okay to George.

Her looks didn't look like her personality, definitely not.

The brunette girl actually looked pretty nice, but her inside was just like a snake.

George didn't know if that was just "ghost-anger" he felt right now, or if that were his real feelings.

He knew for sure though, that he was more than mad at that girl right now.

That liar doesn't deserve Dream.

Even just the thought of them getting closer gave the brunette one goosebumps.

Suddenly, Fiona moved her hand to Dreams cheek.

The next moments happened faster than imagined: George instantly ran towards them and stopped abruptly after he remembered that he couldn't interfere anyways.

That exact moment when George bumped into the small table in front of him, caused the lamp on the couchtable to fall down to the floor.

Not only George flinched, but also the two people sitting on the floor reacted to that scene.

Dreams head shot up and his eyes opened, he was probably trying to see what had happened.

The smaller one watched them confused, after just standing there for a moment.

"Did I... Just break the lamp? Did I just break the lamp and they saw it?" George couldn't believe what happened, but he was glad that both of them got interupted by it.

George noticed that, other than Dream who seemed interested in what had just happened there, Fiona just looked there for a short moment.

She wasn't even bothered by it at all, no.

The only thing she did was cuddling close to Dream and laying her head on his shoulder.

After a few seconds of scanning the scene from before, Dream finally turned around and looked down to the brunette girl in confusion.

He didn't move at all, actually not a single bit.

The blonde one stayed like that for a while, George was just watching him doing so.

He tried to think about what was going on in Dreams mind right now, but couldn't come to a conclusion at all.

The the bigger one turned to the direction of the lamp again, still thinking about something that George couldn't figure out at all.

Not even Fiona, who was cuddling tighter and tighter onto Dream now, was able to get him out of his own mind that moment.


Apparently Dream didn't bother being cuddled by that girl this tight, but George did mind about that.

He hated to see that and he also despised the fact that Dream didn't do anything about that.

"Dream is probably still processing everything that happened, that's why he isn't pushing her away, I think. He's down after all... He probably needs that bit of support" he thought of it again and was honest to himself.

He shouldn't be mad at Dream.

But he definitely should be mad at the girl cuddling him right now.

"She has no right to push me away from Dream at first, lie about me to him and then try to get closer to Dream. Literally anyone else than her should be in that position she is right now" he added to his own thoughts.

And suddenly, a plan crossed his mind.

~1109 words

Hi! I don't know why, but I don't really like this chapter. Anyways! I hope you like the story so far (it will have so much more different emotions, I promise you).

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